О клубе "Перевод всем"

Клуб "Перевод всем" - это площадка для совместного заказа переводов зарубежных видеокурсов и книг на русский язык. С 2014 года мы перевели 4000 видеокурсов и книг, по направлениям: CG|3D|VFX|CONCEPT ART|GAMEDEV|FILM|SOUND|IT|AI. В клубе работает 26 Переводчиков!


Фотограмметрия для продакшен-художников

В данном 4-часовом воркшопе, John William Crossland, ведущий художник в Remedy Entertainment, прольет свет на весь процесс для тех, кто хочет начать делать фотограмметрию с малого.


Звук для кинопроизводства

В этом курсе опытный звукорежиссер Марк Эдвард Льюис рассказывает обо всех аспектах работы со звуком. Запись, диалоги, звуковые эффекты, шумовые эффекты, ADR, микширование, исправления - всё это вы сможете освоить в самом полном курсе по работе со звуком для кино.


Создание цепляющей анимации

Тренируйте свое восприятие, практикуя интервалы и хронометраж. Динамичные позы, основанные на понимании анатомии человека. Операторская работа и эффекты для драматических экшн-сцен.


Динамическое рисование жестами с Гленном Вилппу

В этом 8-ми недельном курсе с Гленном Вилппу, вы изучите подход к рисованию, уходящий корнями в традиции эпохи Возрождения, но применимый сегодня в мире изобразительного искусства, анимации и иллюстрации.


Введение в Maya: Стилизованные трехмерные Миры

В этом курсе я поделюсь с вами методами работы со всеми необходимыми инструментами, что помогут Вам стать классным 3д художником. Покажу свои подходы, секреты, приемы и рабочий процесс, дабы они помогали Вам создавать великолепные проекты!


Пошаговое руководство по инди-производству анимации

Получите эксклюзивные советы и рекомендации от 2D-аниматора HAVTZA в 21-м видеоуроке. Узнайте все, что вам нужно знать для начала вашего пути в анимации: от объектов, персонажей и фонов до создания сцены и реалистичной перспективы.


3D Автомобили: Внутри и снаружи

Это снова мы, но в этот раз курс больше, лучше и здесь будет целая куча нового материала, включая полноценный интерьер. Мой предыдущий курс по моделированию автомобилей использовали гиганты индустрии такие как Hyundai и Volvo, а также дизайнеры в топовых игровых студиях и…


Переводит Переводы abasovna

Тема в разделе "О Переводчиках и очередь переводов", создана пользователем Antonio, 29/5/15.

  1. Antonio

    Antonio Администратор

    Язык №1:
    Переводчик abasovna

    Переводит Видеокурсы озвучкой

    Языки: Английский

    Направления перевода: 3D графика: создание интерьера и экстерьера, рендеринг и освещение, анимация и риггинг, динамика и симуляция.

    Направления перевода по программам: 3ds Max, Maya, Houdini, Marvelous Designer, After Effects, Zbrush, Topogan, DDo

    Бесплатные переводы:
    [Learn Squared] Intro to 3D Concept Design Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [Digital Tutors] Quick Start to Rigging in Maya: Volume 5 [ENG-RUS]
    [Evermotion] Using SSS to shade strawberries [ENG-RUS]

    [Evermotion] Post-production of 3d scene in Adobe Photoshop [ENG-RUS]
    [Pluralsight] Rigging Tank Treads in Maya [ENG-RUS]

    [Digital Tutors] Quick Start to Rigging in Maya: Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [Digital Tutors] Quick Start to Rigging in Maya: Volume 4 [ENG-RUS]

    Переведённые курсы (завершённые заказы):

    Архвиз и анимация:

    [Digital Tutors] Creating a Car Crash in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    [Evermotion] The Archviz Training vol. 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [Digital Tutors] Modeling Realistic Interiors in 3ds Max and Marvelous Designer [ENG-RUS]

    [Digital Tutors] Rendering Realistic Interiors in 3ds Max and V-Ray [ENG-RUS]
    [Digital-Tutors] Exploring Different Smoke Types in 3ds Max and FumeFX [ENG-RUS]
    [Digital Tutors] Exploring Different Explosion Types in 3ds Max and FumeFX [ENG-RUS]
    [CG Master Academy] Imagination as a Tool for Environment Design for Animation [ENG-RUS]
    [Udemy] Become a Professional Character Animator [ENG-RUS]
    [lynda.com] Mastering UVW Mapping in 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]

    [Digital Tutors] Game Character UVs Made Easy in 3ds Max [Eng-Rus]
    [3DMotive] UV Unwrapping in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    [SimplyMaya] Interiors and Furniture Vol 3 Headus UVLayout [ENG-RUS]

    [Udemy] Architectural Interior Visualization in 3Ds max & V-Ray 3.0 [ENG-RUS]

    [3DMotive] Physics Pile In 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]
    [Digital-tutors] Topology Tools in TopoGun 2.0 [ENG-RUS]
    [Digital Tutors] Compositing a 3D Architectural Rendering in Photoshop and 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]
    [Digital Tutors] Skill-Builder: Interpretive Modeling in Maya [ENG-RUS]

    [Digital Tutors] Skill-Builder: Mastering Topology in Maya [Eng-Rus]
    [Digital Tutors] Map Baking Techniques for Games in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    [Digital Tutors] Introduction to RealFlow 2014 [ENG-RUS]

    [Digital Tutors] Exploring Animation Principles in Maya: Animating with Props [ENG-RUS]
    [Digital Tutors] Creating a Narrative Previs Concept in Maya and After Effects [ENG-RUS]
    [Digital-VIZ] Complete Exterior Training [ENG-RUS]

    [Udemy] Creating and animating character with clothes 3ds Max and Marvelous Designer [ENG-RUS]
    [Udemy] Animate a Professional Looking Walk in Autodesk Maya [ENG-RUS]
    [Lynda] Maya: Fundamentals of Medical Animations [ENG-RUS]

    [Udemy] Learning Maya after knowing 3ds Max: Modelling [ENG-RUS]
    [Udemy] Animate an Anime Inspired Run Animation in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    [Mackley Studios] Autodesk Maya Mythical Creature Animation [ENG-RUS]
    [CG Workshops] Body Mechanics [ENG-RUS]
    [Pluralsight] 12 Principles of Animation in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    [Pluralsight] Animation Tips in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    [Pluralsight] Expressive Face and Hand Hybrid Animation [ENG-RUS]
    [AnimSquad] Master Class: Disney's Zach Parrish & Brent Homman [ENG-RUS]
    [Animsquad] Master Class: Animating a Cartoony Shot [ENG-RUS]

    [The Animation Box] Cartoon Mechanics Masterclass [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Pre-visualisation for film [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] From Previs to Final Animation [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Advanced Visual Effects Techniques [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Facial Animation for Feature Animated Films [ENG-RUS]

    [The Gnomon Workshop] Character Animation and Video Reference [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating High - Resolution custom trees using Speedtree [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Combat Animation for Games [ENG-RUS]

    [The Gnomon Workshop] Facial Animation for Feature Animated Films [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating a Swamp Scene for Games with SpeedTree & Photogrammetry [ENG-RUS]

    [The Gnomon Workshop] Animating Body Mechanics in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Animating Creature Walk Cycles in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    [FXPHD] Principles of Animation [ENG-RUS]

    [FXPHD] Body Mechanics and Shot Building Fundamentals Part 1 [ENG-RUS]

    [FXPHD] Body Mechanics and Shot Building Fundamentals Part 2 [ENG-RUS]

    [Animation Mentor] Creature Animation: Locomotion [ENG-RUS]

    [Digital Tutors] Daydreamer: Production Pipeline Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [Pluralsight] Daydreamer: Production Pipeline Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]

    [Pluralsight] Daydreamer: Production Pipeline Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [Pluralsight] Daydreamer: Production Pipeline Volume 4 [ENG-RUS]
    [Pluralsight] Daydreamer: Production Pipeline Volume 5 [ENG-RUS]
    [Pluralsight] Daydreamer: Production Pipeline Volume 6 [ENG-RUS]

    [CG Workshops] Character Facial Rigging [Eng-Rus]
    [CG Workshops] Character Facial Rigging for Production [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Expressive Facial Rigging [ENG-RUS]

    [Digital Tutors] Quick Start to Rigging in Maya: Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]

    [Digital Tutors] Quick Start to Rigging in Maya: Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [Digital Tutors] Advanced Character Rigging in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    [Digital Tutors] Joint-Based Facial Rigging in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    [Pluralsight] Game Character Rigging Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]

    [Pluralsight] Maya Facial Rigging Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    [VFX learning] Advanced Facial Rig in Maya 2018 [ENG-RUS]
    [antCGi Ltd] Face Rigging in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    [antCGi Ltd] Rigging in Maya: Fundamentals Part 1 [ENG-RUS]

    Ткань/одежда и Marvelous Designer:
    [CG Elves] Mastering Marvelous Designer: Beginners Course [ENG-RUS]
    [CG Elves] Tuxedo 3-Piece Suit Workshop [ENG-RUS]
    [CG Elves] Capes & Cloaks Workshop [ENG-RUS]
    [CG Elves] Hoods & Hats Workshop [ENG-RUS]
    [CG Elves] Camille Bathing Robe Workshop [ENG-RUS]

    [CG Elves] Military Clothes & Officer Uniform Workshop [ENG-RUS]
    [CG Elves] Jackets & Coats Workshop [ENG-RUS]
    [CG Elves] Skirts Workshop [ENG-RUS]
    [CG Elves] Pants & Shorts Workshop [ENG-RUS]
    [CG Elves] Shirts, Tops & Hoodies Workshop [ENG-RUS]
    [CG Elves] Conquering Sleeves Workshop [ENG-RUS]
    [CG Elves] Dresses Workshop [ENG-RUS]
    [CG Elves] Marvelous Designer 6 [ENG-RUS]

    [CG Elves] Marvelous Designer 7 [ENG-RUS]

    [Digital Tutors] Creating a Detailed Dress in Marvelous Designer [ENG-RUS]
    [Digital Tutors] Creating Realistic Clothing in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    [3DMotive] Intro to Marvelous Designer [ENG-RUS]
    [CGMA 3D] Introduction to Marvelous Designer [ENG-RUS]
    [Cubebrush] An Introduction to Marvelous Designer [ENG-RUS]
    [Cubebrush] Marvelous Designer 6: Making A Jacket From Scratch [ENG-RUS]
    [Cubebrush] Making a Sci Fi Overall in Marvelous Designer 6.5 [ENG-RUS]
    [Cubebrush] Making a Combat Pouch in Marvelous Designer [ENG-RUS]

    [Uartsy] Clothing Design For Games [ENG-RUS]
    [Pluralsight] Marvelous Designer Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Cloth modeling pipeline with Marvelous designer [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Marvelous Designer For Concept Art [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Creating a Trench coat using Marvelous Designer and ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Character Simulation [ENG-RUS]
    [FlippedNormals] Cyberpunk Bomber Jacket – 3D Fashion Design Course [ENG-RUS]
    [FlippedNormals] Marvelous Designer Hats – 3D Fashion Design Course [ENG-RUS]
    [CGCircuit] Realistic 3D Clothing [ENG-RUS]

    [Udemy] Complete Guide to Marvelous Designer 11 [ENG-RUS]

    Книга: [Robert Magee] Houdini Foundations [ENG-RUS]

    [Rohan Dalvi] Hard surface modeling in Houdini [ENG-RUS]

    [Rohan Dalvi] Floating islands of Houdini 1-3 Parts [ENG-RUS]
    [Rohan Dalvi] Gears of Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    [Rohan Dalvi] Houdini Rocket Ship [ENG-RUS]

    [Rohan Dalvi] Terrain building in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    [Rohan Dalvi] Procedural Texturing and Baking in Houdini Part 1 [ENG-RUS]

    [Rohan Dalvi] Procedural Texturing and Baking in Houdini Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [Rohan Dalvi] Ornamental Designs in Houdini Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [Rohan Dalvi] Ornamental Designs in Houdini Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [Rohan Dalvi] Houdini 17 Intro to Vellum [ENG-RUS]
    [Rohan Dalvi] Houdini 17 New Erosion node [ENG-RUS]

    [SideFX] Houdini Engine 2 Masterclass Thin Client [ENG-RUS]
    [SideFX] Houdini Projects: Terrain Generation 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [SideFX] Houdini Projects: Terrain Generation 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [SideFX] Houdini 15 Masterclass Material Stylesheets [ENG-RUS]
    [SideFX] Wagner Webinars: Houdini VEX [ENG-RUS]
    [SideFX] Houdini 15 Masterclass Loops [ENG-RUS]
    [SideFX] Creating Geometry With VEX [ENG-RUS]
    [SideFX] Geometry Workflows in Houdini 16 [ENG-RUS]

    [Side FX] Houdini 16.5 Masterclass: OpenCL [ENG-RUS]
    [SideFX] Houdini For the New Artist [ENG-RUS]
    [Side FX] Horse Rig [ENG-RUS]
    [Side FX] Houdini 17 Masterclass: Vellum Overview [ENG-RUS]
    [Side FX] Houdini 17 Masterclass: Whitewater System [ENG-RUS]
    [Side FX] Cat Quad-Rigging [ENG-RUS]
    [Side FX] Houdini 17 Masterclass: Vellum Drape [ENG-RUS]
    [Side FX] Beginner Houdini Vellum: Rainbow Grains[ENG-RUS]
    [Side FX] Houdini 17: Vellum Cloth Workflows [ENG-RUS]
    [Side FX] Beginner Houdini Vellum: Noodles [ENG-RUS]

    [Side FX] Houdini 17 Masterclass: Terrains Erosion [ENG-RUS]
    [Side FX] Houdini 17 Masterclass: Terrains Heightfield Scatter [ENG-RUS]
    [Side FX] Vellum Worms [ENG-RUS]
    [Side FX] Pyro 17 Trail [ENG-RUS]
    [Side FX] Houdini 17 Masterclass: Advanced Vellum Workflows [ENG-RUS]
    [Side FX] Machine Learning Data Preparation [ENG-RUS]
    [Side FX] Houdini Tutorial: Vellum Bubble Inflation [ENG-RUS]

    [SideFX] Houdini 18 Masterclass: Vellum Constraint Features [ENG-RUS]
    [SideFX] Character Animation in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    [SideFX] Vertex Animation Textures in Unreal [ENG-RUS]
    [SideFX] White Water Simulation in Houdini 19 [ENG-RUS]
    [Side FX] Vellum Cell Replication [ENG-RUS]
    [SideFX] Introduction to PDG in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    [SideFx] Rigging Techniques [ENG-RUS]

    [Digital Tutors] L-systems for trees in Houdini [ENG-RUS]

    [Lynda] Houdini Essential Training [ENG-RUS]

    [Pluralsight] Building Character FX Rigs in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    [Pluralsight] Practical Houdini Math Tips [ENG-RUS]

    [Pluralsight] Houdini: VEX Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    [Pluralsight] Exploring Houdini's SOP Solver [ENG-RUS]
    [Pluralsight] Houdini: Intermediate Ocean FX [ENG-RUS]

    [Pluralsight] Designing VEX Driven Digital Assets in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    [Pluralsight] Creating Custom Houdini Solvers with VEX Wrangles [ENG-RUS]

    [FXPHD] Houdini Wire and Cloth Dynamics [ENG-RUS]

    [FXPHD] Introduction to Houdini VEX and Python [ENG-RUS]
    [FXPHD] Advanced VEX & Python for Houdini TDs [ENG-RUS]
    [FXPHD] Impact-Based Particle Setups in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    [FXPHD] Houdini Contexts [ENG-RUS]

    [CGcircuit] Houdini Live Action Volume 1: Wall Destruction [ENG-RUS]
    [CGcircuit] Houdini Live Action Volume 2: Ground Hole Explosion [ENG-RUS]
    [CGcircuit] Volume rendering using houdini and arnold [ENG-RUS]
    [CGcircuit] Abstract Visuals - Houdini and Redshift [ENG-RUS]
    [CGcircuit] Discovering Houdini Vellum 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [CGcircuit] Discovering Houdini Vellum 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [CGcircuit] Discovering Houdini Vellum 3 [ENG-RUS]

    [CGcircuit] Discovering Houdini Vellum 4 [ENG-RUS]
    [CGcircuit] Advanced Particles - Sci-fi Growth [ENG-RUS]

    [CGcircuit] Houdini Essentials: Large Scale Fluids [ENG-RUS]

    [CGSociety] Abstract Effects in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    [cmiVFX] Houdini Rigging Animation Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]

    [cmiVFX] Houdini Cloth Techniques [ENG-RUS]
    [cmiVFX] Houdini Craft Rigging and Animation Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [cmiVFX] Houdini Craft Rigging and Animation Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [cmiVFX] Houdini Craft Rigging and Animation Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [FX HIVE] Introduction to Vex for Visual Effects in Houdini [ENG-RUS]

    [Hossamfx] Tree Rigging For Feature Film [ENG-RUS]
    [Hossamfx] Intro To CHOPs In Houdini FX [ENG-RUS]

    [The Gnomon Workshop] Houdini Fast Track Vol 1: Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Houdini 17 [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Houdini Randomization and Scattering [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Houdini Terrain Techniques [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Volumetric Effects with Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] 3D Landscapes with Houdini and Clarisse [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Procedural Environments in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Procedural Environments in Gaea & Houdini [ENG-RUS]

    [The Gnomon Workshop] Natural Environment Creation Techniques [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Foliage for Videogames [ENG-RUS]

    [Entagma] Everything New in Houdini 17 [ENG-RUS]
    [Entagma] Patreon Advanced CG Tutorials Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [Entagma] Patreon Advanced CG Tutorials Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [Entagma] Patreon Advanced CG Tutorials Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [Entagma] Patreon Advanced CG Tutorials Part 4 [ENG-RUS]
    [Entagma] Patreon Advanced CG Tutorials Part 5 [ENG-RUS]
    [Entagma] New in Houdini 18 [ENG-RUS]
    [Entagma] New in Houdini 19.5 [ENG-RUS]

    [MIX Training] The Nature of Vex [ENG-RUS]
    [CGMA] Mastering Destruction in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    [CGMA] Organic Design in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    [CGMA] VEX in Houdini with Johannes Richter [ENG-RUS]
    [CGMA] Introduction to FX using Houdini with Manuel Tausch Part 1 [ENG-RUS]

    [CGMA] Introduction to FX using Houdini with Manuel Tausch Part 2 [ENG-RUS]

    [The VFX School] Houdini Renascence Program Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [The VFX School] Houdini Renascence Program Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [The VFX School] Houdini Renascence Program Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [The VFX School] Houdini Renascence Program Part 4 [ENG-RUS]
    [The VFX School] Houdini Renascence Program Vol.2 Part 1 [ENG-RUS]

    [The VFX School] Houdini Renascence Program Vol.2 Part 2 [ENG-RUS]

    [Rebelway] Introduction To Houdini For FX Artist Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [Rebelway] Introduction To Houdini For FX Artist Part 2 [ENG-RUS]

    [Rebelway] Introduction To Houdini For FX Artist Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [Rebelway] Introduction To Houdini For 3D Artists [ENG-RUS]
    [Rebelway] Math for fx Artists [ENG-RUS]
    [Rebelway] CG Cinematography 101 [ENG-RUS]
    [Rebelway] VEX for Houdini Artists Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [Rebelway] VEX for Houdini Artists Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [Rebelway] Python for Houdini Artists Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [Rebelway] Python for Houdini Artists Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [Rebelway] Python for Houdini Artists Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [Rebelway] Introduction to Houdini FX Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [Rebelway] Introduction to Houdini FX Part 2 [ENG-RUS]

    [Rebelway] Introduction to Houdini FX Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [Rebelway] Introduction to Houdini FX Part 4 [ENG-RUS]
    [Rebelway] City Creation in Houdini [ENG-RUS]

    [hipflask] Houdini Made Easy The Core Essentials [ENG-RUS]
    [hipflask] Houdini Geometry Essentials 01 Components & Primitive Types [ENG-RUS]
    [hipflask] Houdini Geometry Essentials 01 Components & Primitive Types. Update 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [hipflask] Houdini Geometry Essentials 02 Attributes: Principles, Normals & Vectors [ENG-RUS]
    [hipflask] Houdini Geometry Essentials 03 Attributes, Variables & Parameters [ENG-RUS]
    [hipflask] Houdini Geometry Essentials 04 Drive Parameters with Attributes [ENG-RUS]
    [hipflask] Houdini Geometry Essentials 05 Dive into VOPs [ENG-RUS]
    [hipflask] Houdini Geometry Essentials 06 Scattering & Distribution [ENG-RUS]

    [hipflask] Houdini Geometry Essentials 07 Interactive Selections [ENG-RUS]
    [hipflask] Houdini Geometry Essentials 08 Procedural Selections: Groups [ENG-RUS]

    [Gumroad] VFX Studio Oriented / Masters of The Sea [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Gaea Beginners Guide [ENG-RUS]
    [Houdini.School] Art Directing Cloth in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    [VFXGrace] Volcanic Eruption | Pyro FX [ENG-RUS]
    [Yiihuu] Creating a Sci-Fi Character for Games [ENG-RUS]
    [Flippednormals] Introduction to Speedtree [ENG-RUS]

    [Artstation Learning] Introduction to Gaea [ENG-RUS]
    [ArtStation] Creating Vegetation for Games [ENG-RUS]

    [CBaileyFilm] The Ultimate Short Film Course In Blender Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [CBaileyFilm] The Ultimate Short Film Course In Blender Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [CBaileyFilm] The Ultimate Short Film Course In Blender Part 3 [ENG-RUS]

    [CBaileyFilm] The Ultimate Short Film Course In Blender Part 4 [ENG-RUS]

    [ArtStation] Ultimate Forest Environment Course - In-Depth Tutorial Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [ArtStation] Ultimate Forest Environment Course - In-Depth Tutorial Part 2 [ENG-RUS]

    [ArtStation] Ultimate Forest Environment Course - In-Depth Tutorial Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [ArtStation] Ultimate Forest Environment Course - In-Depth Tutorial Part 4 [ENG-RUS]
    [ArtStation] Ultimate Forest Environment Course - In-Depth Tutorial Part 5 [ENG-RUS]

    [WingFox] Shanasheel of Baghdad - 3D Game Environment Creation Part 4 [ENG-RUS]
    [Yiihuu] Magical Classroom Scene Creating for Games Part 1 [ENG-RUS]

    [CGcircuit] Discovering Houdini RBD 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [CGcircuit] Discovering Houdini RBD 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [CGcircuit] Discovering Houdini RBD 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [CGcircuit] Discovering Houdini RBD 4 [ENG-RUS]

    [p2design] The Art of Effective Rigging 2 Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [p2design] The Art of Effective Rigging 2 Part 2 [ENG-RUS]

    [p2design] The Art of Effective Rigging 2 Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [p2design] The Art of Effective Rigging 2 Part 4 [ENG-RUS]
    [p2design] The Art of Effective Rigging 2 Part 5 [ENG-RUS]

    [Christian Bohm] Houdini FX Course Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [Christian Bohm] Houdini FX Course Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [Christian Bohm] Houdini FX Course Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [Christian Bohm] Houdini FX Course Part 4 [ENG-RUS]
    [Christian Bohm] Houdini FX Course Part 5 [ENG-RUS]

    [Flipped Normals] Becoming an Expert in Marvelous Designer [ENG-RUS]
    [FXPHD] Pantomime Acting for Animation [ENG-RUS]
    [Christian Bohm] Houdini FX Course Part 6 [ENG-RUS]
    [Christian Bohm] Houdini FX Course Part 7 [ENG-RUS]

    Зарезервированные переводы (активные темы):

    [Christian Bohm] Houdini FX Course Part 8 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 18.01.25
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Clothing for Characters in Marvelous Designer [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 21.01.25
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Acting for Animators: Become Your Character [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 24.01.25
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Character Animation Fundamentals for Games [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 27.01.25

    [Rebelway] Introduction to Houdini FX Part 5 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 02.02.25
    [Yiihuu] Magical Classroom Scene Creating for Games Part 2 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 11.02.25

    [Udemy] Python for Maya: Beginner to Advanced Rigging Automation Part 1 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 23.02.25
    [O Song] Math for 3D Artists With Houdini 20 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 26.02.25

    [Rebelway] Houdini Fundamentals Part 1 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 10.03.25

    [TOAnimate] Blender Basics Part 1 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 22.03.25
    [Udemy] Python for Maya: Beginner to Advanced Rigging Automation Part 2 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 31.03.25

    [Yiihuu] Magical Classroom Scene Creating for Games Part 3 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 09.04.25
    [TOAnimate] Blender Basics Part 2 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 18.04.25

    [Udemy] Python for Maya: Beginner to Advanced Rigging Automation Part 3 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 27.04.25

    [Rebelway] Houdini Fundamentals Part 2 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 12.05.25
    [TOAnimate] Blender Animation Course Part 1 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 21.05.25
    [Paul Ambrosiussen] Python States for Houdini TDs [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 30.05.25

    [Rebelway] Houdini Fundamentals Part 3 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 11.06.25
    [TOAnimate] Blender Animation Course Part 2 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 23.06.25
    [Yiihuu] Magical Classroom Scene Creating for Games Part 4 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 29.06.25

    [TOAnimate] Blender Animation Course Part 3 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 08.07.25
    [Coloso] Intro to High-Quality VFX with Houdini Part 1 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 26.07.25

    [Yiihuu] Magical Classroom Scene Creating for Games Part 5 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 07.08.25
    [Coloso] Intro to High-Quality VFX with Houdini Part 2 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 16.08.25

    [CGMA] Cloth Creation and Simulation for Real-Time [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 22.08.25

    [Yiihuu] Magical Classroom Scene Creating for Games Part 6 [ENG-RUS]


    [Yiihuu] Magical Classroom Scene Creating for Games Part 7 [ENG-RUS]


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    Зарезервированные переводы (набор участников):
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    [antCGi Ltd] Rigging in Maya: Fundamentals Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [antCGi Ltd] Rigging in Maya: Fundamentals Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
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    [FXPHD] Quadruped Shot Building [ENG-RUS]
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    [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Maya for Animators [ENG-RUS]
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    [Animation Sherpa] Space Switching for Animators [ENG-RUS]
    [Domestika] Advanced Animation of 3D Characters [ENG-RUS] демка
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Game Animation: From Concept to Unity [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Animating a Complex Fight Action Sequence in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Animating Emotional Transitions in Maya [ENG-RUS]
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    [The Gnomon Workshop] Animating a Recall for Games [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Animating for Feature Films [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Mastering Body Mechanics in Maya [ENG-RUS]

    Моделирование и симуляция одежды:
    [The Gnomon Workshop] NCloth for Production: Simulating a Warrior Monk's Robe [ENG-RUS]

    [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Costume Concept Art for Film & TV [ENG-RUS]
    [Lynda] Marvelous Designer: ArchViz Cloth Simulation and Details [ENG-RUS] демку ???

    [CGcircuit] Procedural Hardsurface Design in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    [CGcircuit] Houdini for the Maya artist [ENG-RUS]
    [Adrien Lambert] How not to suck at Python in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    [The VFX School] Houdini Renascence Program Vol.1 - Houdini 18.5 version [ENG-RUS]
    [CGcircuit] Introduction To Houdini I [ENG-RUS]

    [CGcircuit] The Boat in a Storm [ENG-RUS]
    [SideFX] Getting Started With Houdini 19.5 [ENG-RUS]

    [SideFx] A beginners guide to Python in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
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    [fxphd] Taking Houdini Digital Assets to the Next Level [ENG-RUS]
    [Rohan Dalvi] The Flippy murders in Houdini 19.5 [ENG-RUS]
    [Rohan Dalvi] The Flippy murders in Houdini 19.5. Season 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Pyro Charger Jump [ENG-RUS]
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    [Udemy] In House Tool Building for Houdini TD's [ENG-RUS] демка
    [Houdini.School] Maths for Artists [ENG-RUS]
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    [Rebelway] Vex For Houdini Artists [ENG-RUS]
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    [Houdini.School] Working with Scientific Datasets in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    [Houdini.School] Attributes [ENG-RUS]
    [Houdini.School] AI for Houdini Artists [ENG-RUS] демка
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    [CGcircuit] Create Engaging Short Videos with Blender Simulations [ENG-RUS]
    [WingFox] Sci-fi Environment Design Concept Art Course [ENG-RUS]
    [Udemy] Learn 3D Character Animation from Scratch [ENG-RUS]
    [Polygon Runway] Become a 3D illustrator [ENG-RUS]
    [Udemy] 3D Female Armored Assassin in Blender course [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Environment 3D Matte Painting Techniques [ENG-RUS]

    [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Environment Art for Digital Production [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Animated Character Creation in 3D using Blender [ENG-RUS]
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    [CGcircuit] Creating a Custom Jiggle Deformer [ENG-RUS]
    [antCGi Ltd] Modeling in Maya: Base Mesh [ENG-RUS]
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    [Udemy] Realistic 3D Female Face [ENG-RUS]
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    [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Efficient Digital Doubles for VFX [ENG-RUS]

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    [Matthew Lake] Technical Animation in Video Games [ENG-RUS]

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