О клубе "Перевод всем"

Клуб "Перевод всем" - это площадка для совместного заказа переводов зарубежных видеокурсов и книг на русский язык. С 2014 года мы перевели 4000 видеокурсов и книг, по направлениям: CG|3D|VFX|CONCEPT ART|GAMEDEV|FILM|SOUND|IT|AI. В клубе работает 26 Переводчиков!


Фотограмметрия для продакшен-художников

В данном 4-часовом воркшопе, John William Crossland, ведущий художник в Remedy Entertainment, прольет свет на весь процесс для тех, кто хочет начать делать фотограмметрию с малого.


Звук для кинопроизводства

В этом курсе опытный звукорежиссер Марк Эдвард Льюис рассказывает обо всех аспектах работы со звуком. Запись, диалоги, звуковые эффекты, шумовые эффекты, ADR, микширование, исправления - всё это вы сможете освоить в самом полном курсе по работе со звуком для кино.


Создание цепляющей анимации

Тренируйте свое восприятие, практикуя интервалы и хронометраж. Динамичные позы, основанные на понимании анатомии человека. Операторская работа и эффекты для драматических экшн-сцен.


Динамическое рисование жестами с Гленном Вилппу

В этом 8-ми недельном курсе с Гленном Вилппу, вы изучите подход к рисованию, уходящий корнями в традиции эпохи Возрождения, но применимый сегодня в мире изобразительного искусства, анимации и иллюстрации.


Введение в Maya: Стилизованные трехмерные Миры

В этом курсе я поделюсь с вами методами работы со всеми необходимыми инструментами, что помогут Вам стать классным 3д художником. Покажу свои подходы, секреты, приемы и рабочий процесс, дабы они помогали Вам создавать великолепные проекты!


Пошаговое руководство по инди-производству анимации

Получите эксклюзивные советы и рекомендации от 2D-аниматора HAVTZA в 21-м видеоуроке. Узнайте все, что вам нужно знать для начала вашего пути в анимации: от объектов, персонажей и фонов до создания сцены и реалистичной перспективы.


3D Автомобили: Внутри и снаружи

Это снова мы, но в этот раз курс больше, лучше и здесь будет целая куча нового материала, включая полноценный интерьер. Мой предыдущий курс по моделированию автомобилей использовали гиганты индустрии такие как Hyundai и Volvo, а также дизайнеры в топовых игровых студиях и…


Переводит Переводы VeroniKa

Тема в разделе "О Переводчиках и очередь переводов", создана пользователем Antonio, 28/4/15.

  1. Antonio

    Antonio Администратор

    Язык №1:
    Переводчик VeroniKa

    Переводит: Видеокурсы

    Языки: Английский, Немецкий

    Направления перевода: CG, Анатомия, Живопись.

    Направления перевода по программам: ZBrush, Sculptris, Photoshop, Mudbox, Maya, V-ray, Marvelous Designer, Marmoset Toolbag, MARI, KeyShot, Illustrator, 3ds Max, DAZ, Poser и д.р.

    Бесплатный перевод:
    [FZD School of Design] Design Cinema (Feng Zhu) EP 11 [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Drawing the Male Portrait [ENG-RUS]

    Переведённые курсы (завершённые заказы):
    [CG Master Academy Workshops] Dynamic Sketching [ENG-RUS]
    [Scott Eaton] Digital Figure Sculpture Week 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [Scott Eaton] Digital Figure Sculpture Week 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [Scott Eaton] Digital Figure Sculpture Week 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [Scott Eaton] Digital Figure Sculpture Week 4 [ENG-RUS]
    [Scott Eaton] Digital Figure Sculpture Week 5 [ENG-RUS]

    [Scott Eaton] Digital Figure Sculpture Week 6 [ENG-RUS]
    [Scott Eaton] Digital Figure Sculpture Week 7 [ENG-RUS]
    [Scott Eaton] Digital Figure Sculpture Week 8 [ENG-RUS]

    [Scott Eaton] Digital Figure Sculpture Week 9 [ENG-RUS]
    [Scott Eaton] Digital Figure Sculpture Week 10 [ENG-RUS]
    [FZD School of Design] Design Cinema EP 1-6 [ENG-RUS]
    [Schoolism] Drawing Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    [Cкотт Итон] Portraiture and Facial Anatomy Week 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [Cкотт Итон] Portraiture and Facial Anatomy Week 2 [ENG-RUS]

    [Cкотт Итон] Portraiture and Facial Anatomy Week 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [Cкотт Итон] Portraiture and Facial Anatomy Week 4 [ENG-RUS]
    [Cкотт Итон] Portraiture and Facial Anatomy Week 5 [ENG-RUS]

    [Cкотт Итон] Portraiture and Facial Anatomy Week 6 [ENG-RUS]

    [CG Master Academy] Dynamic Sketching 2 [ENG-RUS]

    [CG Master Academy] Dynamic Sketching 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Facial Anatomy Sculpting [ENG-RUS]
    [FZD School of Design] Design Cinema (Feng Zhu) EP 7-10 [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] The Structure of the Head Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] The Structure of the Head Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] The Structure of the Head Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] The Structure of the Head Part 4 [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] The Structure of the Head Part 5 [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] The Structure of the Head Part 6 [ENG-RUS]
    [New masters academy] Drawing the figure: hands and feet [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Exploring Gesture and Structure [ENG-RUS]
    [New masters academy] Drawing the figure: proportions [ENG-RUS]

    [New masters academy] Drawing the figure: the torso [ENG-RUS]
    [New masters academy] Drawing the figure: arms [ENG-RUS]
    [New masters academy] Drawing the figure: legs [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Character Design for Production: Concept Techniques [ENG-RUS]
    [SVS] Brush Pen [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Environment Light [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Character Color Scheme [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Medieval Building: Color/Render [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Medieval Building Design [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Hair Tutorial [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Character Lighting [ENG-RUS]
    [Proko] Anatomy of the Human Body: Skeleton [ENG-RUS]
    [New masters academy] Multiple-Figure Composition Demonstration [ENG-RUS]
    [James Gurney] How I Paint Dinosaurs [ENG-RUS]
    [Proko] Anatomy of the Human Body: Torso [ENG-RUS]
    [Proko] Anatomy of the Human Body: Arms [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Paint the Fantasy Character [ENG-RUS]
    [Udemy] Zbrush Facial Anatomy and Likeness Character Sculpting [ENG-RUS]
    [Stephane Wootha Richard] Turn your 3D intro painting [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Advanced Head Drawing Part 1: The Hair [ENG-RUS]
    [Stephane Wootha Richard] Drawing with 3D - Advanced [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Female Anatomy Tutorial [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Composition for Visual Artists Week 1: Introduction to Composition [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Composition for Visual Artists Week 2: Notan and Chiaroscuro [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Composition for Visual Artists Week 3: Value Grouping [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Composition for Visual Artists Week 4: Tone Continued [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Composition for Visual Artists Week 5: Line as Visual Component [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Composition for Visual Artists Week 6: Shape as Visual Component [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Composition for Visual Artists Week 7: Primaries of Design [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Composition for Visual Artists Week 8: Space [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Composition for Visual Artists Week 9: Rhythm [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Composition for Visual Artists Week 10: Color [ENG-RUS]
    [Proko] Anatomy of the Human Body: Legs [ENG-RUS]
    [CGMA] Character Facial Sculpting Week 1-2 [ENG-RUS]
    [CGMA] Character Facial Sculpting Week 3-4 [ENG-RUS]
    [CGMA] Character Facial Sculpting Week 5-6 [ENG-RUS]
    [CGMA] Character Facial Sculpting Week 7-8 [ENG-RUS]
    [CGMA] Character Facial Sculpting Week 9-10 [ENG-RUS]
    [Cubebrush] ULTIMATE Guide: Drawing The Human Anatomy [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Advanced Head Drawing Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Advanced Head Drawing Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Advanced Head Drawing Part 4 [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Advanced Head Drawing Part 5 [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Advanced Head Drawing Part 6 [ENG-RUS]
    [CGMA] Anatomy for Production Week 1-2 [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Character Design 1: Ideation And Thumbnailing [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Character Design 2: Designing with Line & Variations In Costume [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Character Design 3: Modifying Anatomical Shapes [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Character Design 4: Thumbnail To Finished Sketch and Shape Study [ENG-RUS]

    [Gumroad] Anatomy 1: Head and Neck [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Anatomy 2: Bones and Muscles of the Trunk [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Anatomy 3: Leg and Foot [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Anatomy 4: Arm and Hand [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Posing 1: Cinematographic Principles and Static Poses [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Posing 2: Rotation and Range of Motion [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Posing 3: Creating Depth with Foreshortening and Overlap [ENG-RUS]
    [Stephane Wootha Richard] Visual Storytelling for Illustration: Down The Rabbit Hole [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Narrative Design through Compositional Storytelling [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Anatomy: Intro to Facial Features [ENG-RUS]

    [NMA] Creative Composition Week 1: Introduction to Composition and Visual [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Creative Composition Week 2: Depth of Field and Color Keying in Composition [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Creative Composition Week 3: Affinity, Contrast and Pacing in Landscape Composition [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Visual Storytelling Week 1: Introduction to Visual Language [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Creative Composition Week 4: Creating Meaning in Your Composition [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Visual Storytelling Week 2: Shape Clarity [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Visual Storytelling Week 3: Utilizing Tone [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Visual Storytelling Week 4: Exploring Lines [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Creative Composition Week 5: Developing a Composition for Painting [ENG-RUS]

    [New Masters Academy] Visual Storytelling Week 5: Rhythm's Power [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Visual Storytelling Week 6: Analyzing Color [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Creative Composition Week 6: Developing a Composition for Painting II [ENG-RUS]
    [New Masters Academy] Visual Storytelling Week 7: Creating Subtext [ENG-RUS]

    [Pluralsight] An Immortal Design: Character Design Theory and Development [ENG-RUS]
    [CGMA] Anatomy for Production Week 3-4 [ENG-RUS]
    [CGMA] Anatomy for Production Week 5-6 [ENG-RUS]
    [CGMA] Anatomy for Production Week 7-8 [ENG-RUS]
    [CGMA] Anatomy for Production Week 9-10 [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Drawing with FORCE with Michael Mattesi: W1 Introduction to FORCE and Materials [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Drawing with FORCE with Michael Mattesi: W2 The Gravity Guide [ENG-RUS]

    [NMA] Drawing with FORCE with Michael Mattesi: W3 Applied Forces and FORCE Experiences [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Drawing with FORCE with Michael Mattesi: W4 The Leading Edge [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Drawing with FORCE with Michael Mattesi: W5 Location, Apexes, Length and Angles [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Drawing with FORCE with Michael Mattesi: W6 Torso Templates [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Drawing with FORCE with Michael Mattesi: W7 Leg Templates [ENG-RUS]

    [NMA] Drawing with FORCE with Michael Mattesi: W8 Arms, Neck, and Head Templates [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Drawing with FORCE with Michael Mattesi: W9 Line and Grid Phases [ENG-RUS]

    [Udemy] The Face Anatomy Drawing Course: From Anatomy To Rendering [ENG-RUS]

    Зарезервированные переводы (активные темы):

    [CGMA] Perspective Part 1 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 31.03.25
    [CGMA] Perspective Part 2 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 30.05.25
    [NMA] Dynamic Gesture Drawing with Glenn Vilppu: Week 1 Intro to Gesture [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 29.07.25
    [NMA] Advanced Dynamic Gesture Drawing: W1 How to Compose Shapes in Your Figure Drawing [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 31.08.25

    Зарезервированные переводы (в очереди на перевод):

    Зарезервированные переводы (набор участников):
    [NMA] Dynamic Gesture Drawing with Glenn Vilppu: Week 2 Spherical Forms [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Dynamic Gesture Drawing with Glenn Vilppu: Week 3 Box Forms [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Dynamic Gesture Drawing with Glenn Vilppu: Week 4 Cylindrical Forms [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Dynamic Gesture Drawing with Glenn Vilppu: Week 5 The Basic Procedure [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Dynamic Gesture Drawing with Glenn Vilppu: Week 6 Modeling Tone [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Dynamic Gesture Drawing with Glenn Vilppu: Week 7 Direct Light [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Dynamic Gesture Drawing with Glenn Vilppu: Week 8 Atmosphere [ENG-RUS]

    [NMA] Advanced Dynamic Gesture Drawing: W2 Vine Charcoal Figure Drawing [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Advanced Dynamic Gesture Drawing: W3 Draw the Figure with Water-Soluble Pencil [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Advanced Dynamic Gesture Drawing: W4 Draw the Figure with Fountain Pen and Ink Wash [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Advanced Dynamic Gesture Drawing: W5 Drawing the Figure with Carpenter’s Pencil [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Advanced Dynamic Gesture Drawing: W6 How to Place Accents in Your Figure Drawing [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Advanced Dynamic Gesture Drawing: W7 Invent Your Own Lighting for Figure Drawing [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Advanced Dynamic Gesture Drawing: W8 Draw the Figure with a Serrated Eraser [ENG-RUS]

    [Drawing America] Composition for Animation & Film with Will Weston [ENG-RUS]
    [Drawing America] Figure Composition and Story with Will Weston [ENG-RUS]
    [Drawing America] Drawing for Composition with Will Weston [ENG-RUS]

    [Drawing America] Style Development in Animation and Game with Will Weston [ENG-RUS]

    [Artstation] A guide for sculpting faces [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Gesture Drawing Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    [SVS] Advanced Perspective by David Hohn [ENG-RUS]
    [SVS] Basic Perspective Drawing by David Hohn [ENG-RUS]
    [SVS] Practical Perspective by David Hohn [ENG-RUS]

    [Kazone Art] How to Draw Figures in Perspective [ENG-RUS]
    [Schoolism] Felines with Terryl Whitlatch [ENG-RUS]
    [CGMA] Perspective [ENG-RUS]
    [CGMA] Absolute Beginners [ENG-RUS]

    [Gumroad] Animal Anatomy 1: Bony Anatomy Of Big Cats [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Animal Anatomy 2: Muscular Anatomy Of Quadrupeds [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Animal Anatomy 3: Adding Gesture To Animal Sketches [ENG-RUS]

    [Marco Bucci] Getting Started with Digital Painting [ENG-RUS]

    [NMA] Vehicle Design and Sketching: W1 Foundational Logic of Vehicle Design [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Vehicle Design and Sketching: W2 Developing Your Visual Library [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Vehicle Design and Sketching: W3 Constructing and Designing Vehicle Forms [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Vehicle Design and Sketching: W4 Designing within Parameters [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Vehicle Design and Sketching: W5 Refining Vehicle Sketches [ENG-RUS]

    [Proko] The Anatomy Survival Guide [ENG-RUS]

    [Skillshare] Dynamic Anatomy for Artists - Muscles of the Leg [ENG-RUS]
    [Skillshare] Dynamic Anatomy for Artists - Drawing the Muscles of the Arm [ENG-RUS]
    [Skillshare] Dynamic Anatomy for Artists - Muscles of the Torso [ENG-RUS]

    [The Gnomon Workshop] Illustrative Storytelling & Design Technique [ENG-RUS] ДЕМКА
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Designing Creature Makeup for Film in Photoshop [ENG-RUS] ДЕМКА
    [Artstation Learning] Composition in Painting [ENG-RUS] демка
    [Artstation Learning] Practical Composition [ENG-RUS] демка

    [NMA] Figure Drawing for Fantasy Art with Patrick Jones: Week 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Figure Drawing for Fantasy Art with Patrick Jones: Week 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Figure Drawing for Fantasy Art with Patrick Jones: Week 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Figure Drawing for Fantasy Art with Patrick Jones: Week 4 [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Figure Drawing for Fantasy Art with Patrick Jones: Week 5 [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Figure Drawing for Fantasy Art with Patrick Jones: Week 6 [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Figure Drawing for Fantasy Art with Patrick Jones: Week 7 [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Figure Drawing for Fantasy Art with Patrick Jones: Week 8 [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Figure Drawing for Fantasy Art with Patrick Jones: Week 9 [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Figure Drawing for Fantasy Art with Patrick Jones: Week 10 [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Figure Drawing for Fantasy Art with Patrick Jones: Week 11 [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Figure Drawing for Fantasy Art with Patrick Jones: Week 12 [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] Figure Drawing for Fantasy Art with Patrick Jones: Bonus 1 [ENG-RUS]

    [NMA] Figure Drawing for Fantasy Art with Patrick Jones: Bonus 2 [ENG-RUS]

    [NMA] The Spirit of the Pose with Karl Gnass: Week 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] The Spirit of the Pose with Karl Gnass: Week 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] The Spirit of the Pose with Karl Gnass: Week 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] The Spirit of the Pose with Karl Gnass: Week 4 [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] The Spirit of the Pose with Karl Gnass: Week 5 [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] The Spirit of the Pose with Karl Gnass: Week 6 [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] The Spirit of the Pose with Karl Gnass: Week 7 [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] The Spirit of the Pose with Karl Gnass: Week 8 [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] The Spirit of the Pose with Karl Gnass: Week 9 [ENG-RUS]
    [NMA] The Spirit of the Pose with Karl Gnass: Week 10 [ENG-RUS]

    [Gumroad] Analytical Figure Drawing Audit Lectures with Kirk Shinmoto [ENG-RUS]

    Примеры перевода:

    Последнее редактирование: 30/1/25
    AlumShaman нравится это.
  2. Antonio

    Antonio Администратор

    Язык №1: