О клубе "Перевод всем"

Клуб "Перевод всем" - это площадка для совместного заказа переводов зарубежных видеокурсов и книг на русский язык. С 2014 года мы перевели 4000 видеокурсов и книг, по направлениям: CG|3D|VFX|CONCEPT ART|GAMEDEV|FILM|SOUND|IT|AI. В клубе работает 26 Переводчиков!


Фотограмметрия для продакшен-художников

В данном 4-часовом воркшопе, John William Crossland, ведущий художник в Remedy Entertainment, прольет свет на весь процесс для тех, кто хочет начать делать фотограмметрию с малого.


Звук для кинопроизводства

В этом курсе опытный звукорежиссер Марк Эдвард Льюис рассказывает обо всех аспектах работы со звуком. Запись, диалоги, звуковые эффекты, шумовые эффекты, ADR, микширование, исправления - всё это вы сможете освоить в самом полном курсе по работе со звуком для кино.


Создание цепляющей анимации

Тренируйте свое восприятие, практикуя интервалы и хронометраж. Динамичные позы, основанные на понимании анатомии человека. Операторская работа и эффекты для драматических экшн-сцен.


Динамическое рисование жестами с Гленном Вилппу

В этом 8-ми недельном курсе с Гленном Вилппу, вы изучите подход к рисованию, уходящий корнями в традиции эпохи Возрождения, но применимый сегодня в мире изобразительного искусства, анимации и иллюстрации.


Введение в Maya: Стилизованные трехмерные Миры

В этом курсе я поделюсь с вами методами работы со всеми необходимыми инструментами, что помогут Вам стать классным 3д художником. Покажу свои подходы, секреты, приемы и рабочий процесс, дабы они помогали Вам создавать великолепные проекты!


Пошаговое руководство по инди-производству анимации

Получите эксклюзивные советы и рекомендации от 2D-аниматора HAVTZA в 21-м видеоуроке. Узнайте все, что вам нужно знать для начала вашего пути в анимации: от объектов, персонажей и фонов до создания сцены и реалистичной перспективы.


3D Автомобили: Внутри и снаружи

Это снова мы, но в этот раз курс больше, лучше и здесь будет целая куча нового материала, включая полноценный интерьер. Мой предыдущий курс по моделированию автомобилей использовали гиганты индустрии такие как Hyundai и Volvo, а также дизайнеры в топовых игровых студиях и…


Переводит Переводчик Гоха+

Тема в разделе "О Переводчиках и очередь переводов", создана пользователем Antonio, 27/12/15.

  1. Antonio

    Antonio Администратор

    Язык №1:
    Переводчик Гоха+

    Переводит: Видеокурсы

    Направления перевода:
    3D Графика

    Направления перевода по программам: , Substance Painter, Substance Designer, Photoshop, MODO, Maya, MARI, CINEMA 4D, BodyPaint 3D, 3ds Max.

    Бесплатный перевод:
    [Allegorithmic] Substance in iClone 7 [ENG-RUS]

    Переведённые курсы (завершённые заказы):
    [Allegorithmic] Substance in Unreal Engine 4 [ENG-RUS]
    [Digital Tutors] Physically Based Rendering in Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    [Digital Tutors] Creating Animal Fur for Games in Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    [Allegorithmic] Substance Painter 1.7 New Features Tutorial [ENG-RUS]
    [Allegorithmic] Substance Painter 2.0 New Features and Updates [ENG-RUS]
    [Hollywood Camera Work] Visual Effects For Directors Volume I-VII [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Maya 2016 with Eric Keller [ENG-RUS]
    [Allegorithmic] Substance Designer Intermediate-Advanced Tutorials [ENG-RUS]
    [Lynda] Substance Designer Painted Metal [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Photo Collage Prototyping [ENG-RUS]
    [Rogelio Olguin] Substance designer with Rogelio Olguin [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Demystifying Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]

    [Allegorithmic] Substance for Unity 5 Creating PBR textures [ENG-RUS]
    [Digital Tutors] Creating a Tileable Material in Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Create an Epic Matte Painting Shot Advanced Techniques [ENG-RUS]
    [Digital Tutors] Introduction to Arnold for Maya [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Subtance Painter To Vray: The Complete Workflow [ENG-RUS]
    [Digital Tutors] Map Baking Techniques for Games in 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]
    [Michael Pavlovich] Substance Painter Quick Start [ENG-RUS]
    [Digital Tutors] Map Baking Techniques in Maya LT [ENG-RUS]
    [Michael Pavlovich] Substance Designer Quick Start [ENG-RUS]
    [cmiVFX] Substance Painter In Action [ENG-RUS]
    [Allegorithmic] MDL in Substance Designer 5.5 [ENG-RUS]
    [3DMotive] Substance Designer Workflow Volume 1-2 [ENG-RUS]
    [Pluralsight] Stylized Texturing in Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]

    [Pluralsight] Texturing a Game Character in Substance Painter and Designer [ENG-RUS]
    [Cubebrush] PBR Character For Games [ENG-RUS]
    [Pluralsight] Baking Texture Maps in Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    [Allegorithmic] Substance Painter Texturing for Beginners [ENG-RUS]
    [Gnomon Workshop] Environment Design for Film Integrating 2D and 3D Techniques [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Redshift for Maya [ENG-RUS]
    [Lynda] Substance Designer Essential Training [ENG-RUS]

    [Udemy] Game Physics: Extend Unity 3Ds Physics Engine in C# Code [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to the UV Toolkit in Autodesk Maya 2018 [ENG-RUS]
    [Lynda] Substance Designer Essential Training Updated [ENG-RUS]
    [3D Motive] Intro to Megascans [ENG-RUS]
    [c4dapt] Cinema 4d Advanced Production Techniques 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [Digital Tutors] Creating Dynamic Fur with XGen in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    [Allegorithmic] Getting started with Substance Painter 2018 [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Arnold [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Zbrush BPR RENDERING package Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [Pluralsight] Creating an Advanced Material with Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    [Pluralsight] Creating Game Environment Textures with Substance Suite [ENG-RUS]

    [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Maya 2017 Interface and workflow Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [Pluralsight] UV Mapping Game Characters in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Substance Painter 2018 [ENG-RUS]
    [Pluralsight] Texturing Game Characters in Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Maya 2017 Interface and workflow Part 2 [ENG-RUS]

    [Lynda] Unreal: Substance Designer Workflow [ENG-RUS]
    [CGcircuit] MARI Projection Painting [ENG-RUS]
    [Gameinstitute] Game Mathematics [ENG-RUS]
    [CGMA 3D] Texturing and Shading for Games [ENG-RUS]

    [Pluralsight] Blender Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating a Female Hairstyle for Production with Maya XGen [ENG-RUS]
    [Lynda] X-Particles 4 for Cinema 4D Essential Training [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Substance Fundamentals Tutorial Part 1: Pattern Creation and Natural Scattering [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Substance Fundamentals Tutorial Part 2: Essential Nodes [ENG-RUS]

    [Gumroad] Substance Fundamentals Tutorial Part 3: Voronoi Cells and Shapes [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Substance Fundamentals Tutorial Part 4: Color Application [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Octane for Concept Art - Beginner [ENG-RUS]

    [Gumroad] Substance Fundamentals Tutorial Part 5: Parameters and Generators [ENG-RUS]

    [Greyscalegorilla] Guide to Redshift [ENG-RUS]
    [Pluralsight] CINEMA 4D UV Mapping Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] MM44 Mech Hard Surface Texturing with Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Octane for Concept Art - Advanced [ENG-RUS]

    [Helloluxx] learn Redshift for Cinema 4D: V01 [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Vehicle Modeling for Production [ENG-RUS]
    [Artstation Masterclasses] Creating Believable Stone Walls in Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    [FlippedNormals] Introduction to Arnold [ENG-RUS]

    [CGCircuit] RedShift for Live Action and CG [ENG-RUS]

    [Greyscalegorilla] Gorilla Guide to X-Particles Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [Helloluxx] learn Redshift for Cinema 4D: V02 [ENG-RUS]
    [CG Master Academy] Character Texturing for Games in Substance [ENG-RUS]

    [Gumroad] Wastelander - Texture Breakdown in Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]

    [The Gnomon Workshop] Vehicle Texturing in Substance Painter: From Clean to Mean [ENG-RUS]
    [Greyscalegorilla] Gorilla Guide to X-Particles Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [Greyscalegorilla] Gorilla Guide to X-Particles Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [Pluralsight] Texturing Enemy Creatures for Games in Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    [Elementza] Mastering 3D Modeling in Maya Part 1 [ENG-RUS]

    [Elementza] Mastering 3D Modeling in Maya Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [Elementza] Mastering 3D Modeling in Maya Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [Yiihuu] The Dwarf Warrior: 3D Character Creation For Game Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Texturing and Shading for Production [ENG-RUS]
    [Yiihuu] The Dwarf Warrior: 3D Character Creation For Game Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [Yiihuu] The Dwarf Warrior: 3D Character Creation For Game Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [MIX Training] Shading with Redshift [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Lighting for Animation [ENG-RUS]
    [Learn Squared] Substance Designer with Daniel Thiger [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Substance Painter 2020 With Christophe Desse [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Realistic Dog Grooming for Production with Xgen [ENG-RUS]
    [Substance Academy] Substance Painter 2021 Getting Started [ENG-RUS]

    [Learn Squared] Substance Designer Essentials from Javier Perez Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [Learn Squared] Substance Designer Essentials from Javier Perez Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [CGCircuit] Scratch to Substance Volume 1a [ENG-RUS]
    [Learn Squared] Industrial Design Foundations [ENG-RUS]
    [FlippedNormals] Texturing Characters for Games [ENG-RUS]

    [CGCircuit] Scratch to Substance Volume 1b [ENG-RUS]
    [CGCircuit] Scratch to Substance Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [Exp-Points] Creating Fabric Materials in Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    [CGCookie] Fundamentals of Digital Lighting in Blender [ENG-RUS]

    [CGcircuit] Scratch to Substance Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [CGcircuit] Scratch to Substance Volume 4 [ENG-RUS]
    [CGBoost Academy] Substance Painter Launch Pad [ENG-RUS]

    [CG Fast Track] The Art of Lighting in Blender [ENG-RUS]
    [FlippedNormals] How to Retopologize a Full Character [ENG-RUS]
    [Artstation Masterclasses] Hard Surface Trim Sheet Tutorial [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Creating a Real Time Character in Substance Painter Full Course [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] REALISTIC Creature Texturing Painting Tutorial Using Mari – By Zak Boxall [ENG-RUS]
    [Levelup.Digital] Creating a Royal Crown in Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    [Creative Shrimp] Procedural Texturing - Blender Master Class [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating a Stylized Groom in Maya and XGen With Bhavika Bajpai [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Photorealistic character Look dev in Maya & Arnold [ENG-RUS]
    [Flipped Normals] Advanced Texturing in Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    [Flippednormals] Modeling & Texturing Props for Games [ENG-RUS]
    [FlippedNormals] Character Face Texturing in Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    [Artstation] Creating Detailed Props for Games | Dylan Abernethy [ENG-RUS]

    [Mograph mentor] Ultimate Guide to Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Texturing And Shading Realistic Skin In Maya Mari And Zbrush [ENG-RUS]
    [Artstation Learning] Creating a Modular Sci-Fi Environment Using Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    [FlippedNormals] Real-Time Hair Tutorial [ENG-RUS]

    [Artstation Learning] Hardsurface Rendering in Redshift [ENG-RUS]
    [CG Cookie] Human: Realistic Portrait Creation With Blender Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [Udemy] Substance 3D Designer for Beginners [ENG-RUS]
    [CG Cookie] Human: Realistic Portrait Creation With Blender Part 2 [ENG-RUS]

    [Udemy] Substance Painter Texturing for Beginners Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [Udemy] Substance Painter Texturing for Beginners Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [Artstation] Ultimate Lighting Course - In-Depth Tutorial [ENG-RUS]

    [Udemy] Substance 3D Painter Advance Course Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [FlippedNormals] Cinematic Lighting in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    [Udemy] Substance 3D Painter Advance Course Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] 3D Scan Integration Techniques With Adrien Vallecilla [ENG-RUS]
    [CGcircuit] Realistic Face with Zbrush and Mari [ENG-RUS]
    [Elementza] Mastering Topology in 3D Modeling [ENG-RUS]
    [CGMA] Motion Graphics [ENG-RUS]

    [WingFox] Understanding Procedural Material Creation and the Environment Art Pipeline 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [WingFox] Understanding Procedural Material Creation and the Environment Art Pipeline 2 [ENG-RUS]
    [WingFox] Understanding Procedural Material Creation and the Environment Art Pipeline 3 [ENG-RUS]
    [ArtStation] Substance Painter Master Course Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    [ArtStation] Substance Painter Master Course Part 2 [ENG-RUS]

    Зарезервированные переводы (активные темы):
    [Flipped Normals] Complete Guide to Mari Part 1 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 18.01.25

    [Flipped Normals] Complete Guide to Mari Part 2 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 17.02.25

    [CGCircuit] Creating Realistic Grooming using Xgen in Maya [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 07.03.25
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating complex materials for Games in Substance Designer [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 22.03.25

    [Elementza] Mastering 3D Modeling in Maya Part 1 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 21.04.25

    [Elementza] Mastering 3D Modeling in Maya Part 2 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 21.05.25

    [Elementza] Mastering 3D Modeling in Maya Part 3 [ENG-RUS] Дата сборов: 20.06.25

    Зарезервированные переводы (в очереди на перевод):

    Зарезервированные переводы (набор участников):

    [Udemy] Blender Complete PBR Art Creation - Sci-fi Crate and Turret [ENG-RUS] Демку

    [Gumroad] Blender Drone Tutorial - Complete Edition [ENG-RUS]
    [Udemy] Blender Texture Painting: Create Stunning Stylised Models [ENG-RUS]
    [Skillshare] Blender 3D: The Magic of Materials [ENG-RUS] Демку

    [Udemy] Mastering Texture Painting - Complete Blender Course [ENG-RUS]
    Ultimate Displacement Texturing Course using Midjourney [ENG-RUS]

    Substance Designer и Substance Painter:
    [ArtStation] Substance Painter Part 1 – Basics [ENG-RUS] Демку
    [ArtStation] Substance Painter Part 2 – Advanced Techniques [ENG-RUS] Демку
    [ArtStation] Substance Painter Part 3 – Rendering with Redshift for Maya [ENG-RUS] Демку
    [Udemy] Texturing a Complete Scene in Substance 3D Painter [ENG-RUS]
    [Flippednormals] Hard Surface Texturing for Games [ENG-RUS] Демку
    [Udemy] Broken Tiles - Substance 3D Designer [ENG-RUS]
    [Udemy] Substance Painter Beginner's Guide to Game Texturing [ENG-RUS] Демку
    [Udemy] Texturing a Scene with Substance 3D Painter [ENG-RUS]

    [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating stopmotion felt In Substance 3d Designer [ENG-RUS]
    [GumRoad] Revolver Texturing Tutorial with Dan Kenton [ENG-RUS] Демку
    [FlippedNormals] Getting Started with Procedural Texturing with Substance Designer [ENG-RUS] Демку

    [Stylized Station] The 3D Artist's Coloring Book [ENG-RUS]
    [Udemy] Substance Painter automation with Python [ENG-RUS] Демку

    [FXPHD] Advanced Lighting Practices for Maya & Arnold [ENG-RUS]
    [Flippednormals] Introduction to XGen [ENG-RUS]
    [FXPHD] Modelling Photoreal Vehicles in Maya [ENG-RUS] Демку

    [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating a Male groom with Xgen [ENG-RUS] Демку
    [FlippedNormals] Switching to Maya for Game Artists [ENG-RUS] Демку
    [Udemy] Hard Surface Modelling in Maya 2022 [ENG-RUS]
    [Udemy] Maya Environment Creation for Film [ENG-RUS]

    [Flippednormals] Hard Surface Modeling for Games [ENG-RUS] Демку
    [Flippednormals] Hair Creation for Game Characters [ENG-RUS]
    [Artstation] Complete Guide to Maya 2024 [ENG-RUS]
    [FlippedNormals] Introduction to Modeling in Maya [ENG-RUS] Демку
    [FlippedNormals] Model & Texture a Game Asset – Full Process [ENG-RUS] Демку
    [Wingfox] Medical Drone 3D Modeling Hard Surface Tutorial Workshop – Maya & Arnold [ENG-RUS]

    [Udemy] Introduction to Maya - Stylized 3D Worlds [ENG-RUS]
    [CGCircuit] Master Character LookDev and Lighting using Maya and Arnold [ENG-RUS]
    [Gumroad] Best Guide to Making a Stylized Asset [ENG-RUS] Демку
    [JLMussi] Mastering Hard Surface Modeling in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Maya 2025 - UV Toolkit [ENG-RUS]

    [The Gnomon Workshop] Material Texturing for Production in Mari & Maya [ENG-RUS] Демку
    [FlippedNormals] Introduction to Mari [ENG-RUS] Демку
    [texturing.xyz] Procedural Skin Texturing in Mari [ENG-RUS]

    [FlippedNormals] Creating Sci-Fi Environments for Games - In-Depth Tutorial Course [ENG-RUS]

    [Learn Squared] Production Concept Art [ENG-RUS]

    [Romain Guillon] Redshift Mastery For Cinema 4d [ENG-RUS] Демку


    [Learn Squared] 3D Asset Production [ENG-RUS]
    [FlippedNormals] Advanced Texture Character Creation [ENG-RUS]

    [Coloso] Next Level Procedural Material Creation [ENG-RUS] Демку

    Примеры перевода:

    Последнее редактирование: 30/12/24
    intern и linzodel нравится это.
  2. Antonio

    Antonio Администратор

    Язык №1:
  3. Antonio

    Antonio Администратор

    Язык №1: