Мастер-класс по дизайну уровней: все в одном полном курсе

Он охватывает не только основы дизайна уровней. Он охватывает больше, и мы рассматриваем основные принципы, лучшие способы делать вещи и то, что делает дизайнера хорошим и готовым для работы в отрасли.


Новый раздел "Генеративные нейросети"

Перевод курсов по Midjourney, Dall-E, Stable Diffusion, ChatGPT, Adobe Firefly и другим.


Звук для кинопроизводства

В этом курсе опытный звукорежиссер Марк Эдвард Льюис рассказывает обо всех аспектах работы со звуком. Запись, диалоги, звуковые эффекты, шумовые эффекты, ADR, микширование, исправления - всё это вы сможете освоить в самом полном курсе по работе со звуком для кино.


Игровой Ассет: Постапокалиптичный Нож

Сегодня я хочу поделиться с вами своими знаниями, а точнее показать, как создается реалистичное постапокалиптическое оружие для видеоигр!


Создание Человека-паука в Nomad Sculpt

В этом курсе среднего уровня сложности мы с нуля создадим 3D модель Человека-паука (Майлз Моралес/ «Паутина вселенных»). Начнем с блокаута и шаг за шагом проработаем все формы, которые превратятся в наше тело, мышцы и костюм.


Маркетинг для запуска игр в Steam, на консолях и мобильных устройствах

Это включает в себя сторонние примеры, а также маркетинговые примеры разработанные и управляемые Карлосом Коронадо, а также интервью с другими испаноязычными разработчиками, которые добились успеха в своих проектах и что они объяснят нам, как они подошли к маркетингу…


Введение в Nuke 14. Том 1

Курс ведет Кристоф Заплеталь, внештатный художник Flame и Nuke, который работает в индустрии почти 25 лет, работая как над коммерческими, так и над художественными проектами, а также является инструктором в HFF в Мюнхене, Германия.


Голливудские VFX в Maya и Nuke

Этот курс научит вас тому, что вам нужно знать, чтобы создавать художественные работы с помощью 3D-инструмента Maya: от HDRI до разработки внешнего вида, освещения, финального рендеринга, манипуляции с изображением и даже теории, стоящие за этим.


Основы Adobe Firefly

Генеративный искусственный интеллект захватывает мир. И ответом Adobe на революцию ИИ стало появление Adobe Firefly, совершенно нового семейства генеративных моделей искусственного интеллекта.


Создание города-крепости в Unreal Engine 5

Изучите полный рабочий цикл создания кинематографического окружения на этом комплексном курсе, который проводит старший специалист по окружению Цзяньфэн Ли (Аллан).


Курс по созданию стилизованных 3D-моделей в Blender 4

Этот курс специально разработан для того, чтобы помочь каждому, будь то новичок в 3D-моделировании или просто новичок в Blender, создать стилизованные модели профессионального уровня AAA.


Цветокоррекция для художников по играм и освещению в Da Vinci Resolve

По окончании этого курса вы сможете заниматься цветокоррекцией для фотографий, видео и 3D-рендеров. Каждый пример будет тестировать и обучать вас различным проблемам, с которыми вы можете столкнуться в будущем.


Фотограмметрия для продакшен-художников

В данном 4-часовом воркшопе, John William Crossland, ведущий художник в Remedy Entertainment, прольет свет на весь процесс для тех, кто хочет начать делать фотограмметрию с малого.


Скульптура с Андреа Блазич

На этом курсе вы узнаете подход Андреа к традиционной скульптуре: как правильно выбирать дизайн, как почувствовать свой путь в искусстве, правильное исполнение и как воплотить свое творение в жизнь!


Создание цепляющей анимации

Тренируйте свое восприятие, практикуя интервалы и хронометраж. Динамичные позы, основанные на понимании анатомии человека. Операторская работа и эффекты для драматических экшн-сцен.


EmberGen Bootcamp: курс по симуляции эффектов в реальном времени

Станьте квалифицированным топ-специалистом для любой студии, опередив своих коллег и освоив новый инструмент, который молниеносно внедряется в индустрию.


Наброски чего угодно с KleinerHai

Вы научитесь рисовать все: от монументальных пейзажей до мельчайших деталей жизни, создавая вселенные с каждым штрихом. Вдохновение - это не то, чего вы ждете, это то, чем вы владеете.


Динамическое рисование жестами с Гленном Вилппу

В этом 8-ми недельном курсе с Гленном Вилппу, вы изучите подход к рисованию, уходящий корнями в традиции эпохи Возрождения, но применимый сегодня в мире изобразительного искусства, анимации и иллюстрации.


Создание короткометражек в Blender c помощью ИИ

В этом курсе вы узнаете как использовать возможности Blender 3D, ведущей программы для создания 3D с открытым исходным кодом, чтобы вдохнуть жизнь в свои анимационные короткометражные фильмы, используя преобразующие возможности искусственного интеллекта.


Полный курс по Godot 3D: создавайте 3D игры с помощью Godot 4

Узнайте, как максимально эффективно использовать новый игровой движок Godot 4, создавая крутые 3D-видеоигры.


Unreal Engine: Создание Виджетов Для UI

В этом курсе вы узнаете, как использовать систему Unreal "Widget Blueprint" для создания пользовательского интерфейса (UI) для ваших игр и приложений.


Unreal Engine 5 Sci-Fi VFX: Часть 1

Это первая часть курса из трех, в которой вы узнаете, как полноценно сделать эффект, от концепции до готового для внедрения в геймплей результата. Вы увидите мой рабочий процесс, который был использован во многих моих спецэффектах при работе над AA и AAA играми.


Изгибы: женская красота

Преподаватель курса Рафа Соуза отмечает, что курс «Изгибы: женская красота» имеет для него особую важность, поскольку изучение моделирования женского тела помогло ему самому осознать некоторые философские аспекты красоты.


Технический процесс для игровых персонажей AAA. Том 1

В этой серии я провожу работу используя 3dsmax, однако я стараюсь, чтобы она не зависела от программного обеспечения, поэтому мы больше сосредоточимся на конкретных технических моментах - правильности хода топологии и других принципах.


Полное руководство по Mari

Начнем с текстурирования простого грамофона. Затем познакомимся с рисованием текстур в Mari на примере фигурного (в виде быка) деревянного ящика. После этого, затекстурим игрушечную машинку, используя нодовую схематику. В завершении, разработаем текстуры для органической…


Введение в Maya: Стилизованные трехмерные Миры

В этом курсе я поделюсь с вами методами работы со всеми необходимыми инструментами, что помогут Вам стать классным 3д художником. Покажу свои подходы, секреты, приемы и рабочий процесс, дабы они помогали Вам создавать великолепные проекты!


Логика создания AI рукопашного боя с использованием Blueprint в UE

Курс фокусируется на фундаментальных принципах работы с нодами искусственного интеллекта поведения движения и контроля боя. Каждый шаг в этом проекте демонстрируется с самого начала, воссоздавая логику боя на манер любых подобных игр.


Эс Девлин учит, как превращать идеи в искусство

Вы узнаете, как создавать яркие визуальные истории - от набросков до коллабораций - и научитесь превращать нечто абстрактное (ваши идеи и воображение) в искусство, которое можно увидеть, почувствовать и поделиться.


3D Автомобили: Внутри и снаружи

Это снова мы, но в этот раз курс больше, лучше и здесь будет целая куча нового материала, включая полноценный интерьер. Мой предыдущий курс по моделированию автомобилей использовали гиганты индустрии такие как Hyundai и Volvo, а также дизайнеры в топовых игровых студиях и…


Пошаговое руководство по инди-производству анимации

Получите эксклюзивные советы и рекомендации от 2D-аниматора HAVTZA в 21-м видеоуроке. Узнайте все, что вам нужно знать для начала вашего пути в анимации: от объектов, персонажей и фонов до создания сцены и реалистичной перспективы.


Материалы Unreal Engine 5: Том 1 Окружения

Часть 1 этого курса охватывает целостный обзор редактора материалов в Unreal 5 — от типов материалов и режимов наложения до отдельных математических узлов и входных данных, уделяя особое внимание не только тому, как что-то делать, но и почему, и рассматривая основную логику и…


О клубе "Перевод всем"

Клуб "Перевод всем" - это площадка для совместного заказа переводов зарубежных видеокурсов и книг на русский язык. С 2014 года мы перевели 3400 видеокурсов и книг, по направлениям: CG|3D|VFX|CONCEPT ART|GAMEDEV|FILM|SOUND|IT|AI. В клубе работает 26 Переводчиков!


Готовые переводы по 3D Графике

Тема в разделе "Завершённые заказы (переводы)", создана пользователем Antonio, 12/5/15.

Статус темы:
  1. Antonio

    Antonio Администратор

    Язык №1:
    В данной теме располагаются ссылки на курсы по 3D графике, которые уже завершены.
    Для удобства всё разбито на подразделы :)

    Последнее редактирование: 22/9/18
    logic и beat05 нравится это.
  2. Antonio

    Antonio Администратор

    Язык №1:
    Базовые курсы по 3D. 3Ds Max

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Lynda] 3ds Max 2016 Essential Training [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Arrimus 3D] Introduction to Modeling in 3D Studio Max (Part 1) [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Arrimus 3D] Introduction to Modeling in 3D Studio Max (Part 2) [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Lynda] 3ds Max 2018 Essential Training [ENG-RUS]

    5. [Pluralsight] 3ds Max Graphite Modeling Tools Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]

    Базовые курсы по 3D. Maya

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Digital Tutors] Introduction to Maya 2016 [ENG-RUS]
    2. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Maya 2016 with Eric Keller [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Pluralsight] Utilizing the Node Editor in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Lynda] Maya 2017 Essential Training [ENG-RUS]

    5. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Maya 2017 Interface and workflow Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    6. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Maya 2017 Interface and workflow Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Lynda] Maya 2020 Essential Training [ENG-RUS]

    8. [Elementza] Mastering 3D Modeling in Maya Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Elementza] Mastering 3D Modeling in Maya Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Elementza] Mastering 3D Modeling in Maya Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    11. [CGMA] Intro to Maya Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    12. [CGMA] Intro to Maya Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    13. [CGMA] Intro to Maya Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    14. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Maya 2023: Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    15. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Maya 2023: Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    16. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Maya 2023: Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]

    Базовые курсы по 3D. Blender

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Pluralsight] Blender Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    2. [lynda] Blender 2.8 Essential Training [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Udemy] Learn 3D Modelling - The Complete Blender Creator Course Part 1 [ENG-RUS]

    4. [Daniel Krafft] 200+ Helpful Blender 3D Hacks in Under 1 Hour [ENG-RUS]

    5. [Blender Cloud] Grease Pencil Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Polygon Runway] Cyberpunk - Blender 2.8 Lowpoly Isometric Tutorial [ENG-RUS]
    7. [lynda] Blender 2.9.1 Essential Training [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Artstation Learning] Intro to Sculpting in Blender [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Udemy] The Blender 2.8 Encyclopedia Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Udemy] The Blender 2.8 Encyclopedia Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    11. [Udemy] The Blender 2.8 Encyclopedia Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Udemy] Complete Blender Megacourse: Beginner to Expert Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    13. [Udemy] Intro to Geometry Nodes using Blender 3.3 [ENG-RUS]
    14. [Udemy] Create furniture in Blender [ENG-RUS]

    15. [Udemy] Complete Blender Megacourse: Beginner to Expert Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    16. [Udemy] Complete Blender Megacourse: Beginner to Expert Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    17. [Udemy] Complete Blender Megacourse: Beginner to Expert Part 4 [ENG-RUS]
    18. [Udemy] Complete Blender Megacourse: Beginner to Expert Part 5 [ENG-RUS]
    19. [Udemy] Complete Blender Megacourse: Beginner to Expert Part 6 [ENG-RUS]
    20. [Udemy] Complete Blender Megacourse: Beginner to Expert Part 7 [ENG-RUS]

    Базовые курсы по 3D. Modo

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Udemy] A Modo modeling guide Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Udemy] A Modo modeling guide Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Gumroad] How to get faster in Modo [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Gumroad] Modo Basics: Blade Runner Prop Braun HL70 [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Gumroad] Modo Basics: NES Controller [ENG-RUS]

    Базовые курсы по 3D. SketchUp

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [lynda] SketchUp 2017 Essential Training [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Lynda] SketchUp 2020 Essential Training [ENG-RUS]

    Базовые курсы по 3D. CINEMA 4D

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Lynda] CINEMA 4D R17 Essential Training [ENG-RUS]
    2. [c4dapt] Cinema 4d Advanced Production Techniques 1 [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Skillshare] Cinema 4D - Ultimate Abstract Art [ENG-RUS]

    Базовые курсы по 3D. ZBrush

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1.[Digital Tutors] Quick Start to ZBrush: Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Digital Tutors] Quick Start to ZBrush: Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Digital Tutors] Quick Start to ZBrush: Volume 4 [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Digital Tutors] Quick Start to ZBrush: Volume 5 [ENG-RUS]
    5. [ZClassroom] ZBrush ZModeler Tutorials [ENG-RUS]
    6. [ZClassroom] ZBrush ZModeler Tutorials [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Digital Tutors] Mastering Basic ZModeler Workflows in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    8. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to ZBrush 4R7 [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Uartsy] ZBrush Certification Course [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Uartsy] ZBrush 4R7 Certification [ENG-RUS]
    11. [Gumroad] Intro To ZBrush 4R7 Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Gumroad] Intro To ZBrush 4R7 Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    13. [Gumroad] Intro To ZBrush 4R7 Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    14. [Gumroad] ZBrush 4R8 What's New [ENG-RUS]
    15. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to ZBrush 4R8 [ENG-RUS]
    16. [Gumroad] ZBrush 2018 What's New [ENG-RUS]
    17. [Gumroad] Zbrush for Ideation. Unit 01. The Basics [ENG-RUS]
    18. [Gumroad] Zbrush for Ideation. Unit 02. Blockout [ENG-RUS]
    19. [Gumroad] Zbrush for Ideation. Unit 03. Exploration [ENG-RUS]
    20. [Gumroad] Zbrush for Ideation. Unit 04. Creation Technics. Forms [ENG-RUS]
    21. [Gumroad] Zbrush for Ideation. Unit 05. Creation Techniques. Details [ENG-RUS]
    22. [Gumroad] Zbrush for Ideation. Unit 06. Creation Techniques. Surface [ENG-RUS]
    23. [Gumroad] Zbrush for Ideation. Unit 07. Presentation. [ENG-RUS]
    24. [Gumroad] ZBrush 2019 What's New [ENG-RUS]
    25. [Gumroad] ZBrush 2020 What's New [ENG-RUS]
    26. [The Gnomon workshop] Introduction to Zbrush 2020 [ENG-RUS]
    27. [Gumroad] Michael Pavlovich - Zbrush for Ideation (2020 Update) [ENG-RUS]
    28. [CGMA] ZBrush for Concept & Iteration [ENG-RUS]
    29. [Скулизм] Introduction to ZBrush with Justin Goby Fields [ENG-RUS]
    30. [Flipped Normals] Introduction to ZBrush 2020 [ENG-RUS]
    31. [Gumroad] ZBrush 2021 & 2021.5 What's New [ENG-RUS]
    32. [3D Concept Artist] The Ultimate ZBrush Guide [ENG-RUS]
    33. [Gumroad] ZBrush 2021.7 What's New [ENG-RUS]
    34. [3D Concept Artist] The Extra Mile - From ZBrush sculpture to polished illustration Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    35. [3D Concept Artist] The Extra Mile - From ZBrush sculpture to polished illustration Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    36. [3D Concept Artist] The Extra Mile - From ZBrush sculpture to polished illustration Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    37. [3D Concept Artist] The Extra Mile - From ZBrush sculpture to polished illustration Part 4 [ENG-RUS]
    38. [Gumroad] ZBrush 2022 What's New [ENG-RUS]
    39. [Udemy] Complete Guide to Zbrush 2022 [ENG-RUS]
    40. [The Gnomon workshop] Introduction to Zbrush 2022 [ENG-RUS]
    41. [3D Concept Artist] Zbrush for illustrators intensive course [ENG-RUS]

    Базовые курсы по 3D. Houdini

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Pluralsight] Introduction to Houdini 15 [ENG-RUS]
    2. [SideFX] Houdini Engine 2 Masterclass Thin Client [ENG-RUS]
    3. [SideFX] Houdini 16 compiled SOPs [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Learn Squared] Houdini Procedural Foundations [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Rohan Dalvi] Gears of Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    6. [The Gnomon Workshop] Houdini Fast Track Vol 1: Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    7. [SideFX] Geometry Workflows in Houdini 16 [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Lynda] Houdini Essential Training [ENG-RUS]
    9. [SideFX] Houdini For the New Artist [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Entagma] Everything New in Houdini 17 [ENG-RUS]
    11. [Hernan Llano] Vectors applied in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Rohan Dalvi] Houdini 17 New Erosion node [ENG-RUS]
    13. [Side FX] Houdini 17 Masterclass: Terrains Erosion [ENG-RUS]

    14. [Side FX] Houdini 17 Masterclass: Terrains Heightfield Scatter [ENG-RUS]
    15. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Houdini 17 [ENG-RUS]
    16. [SideFx] PDG Mutagen Toolset [ENG-RUS]
    17. [SideFx] Creating Normal Map Stamp [ENG-RUS]
    18. [Entagma] New in Houdini 18 [ENG-RUS]
    19. [SideFx] Intro to PDG [ENG-RUS]
    20. [Entagma] PDG for Design in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    21. [CGcircuit] Houdini For The New Artist Part II [ENG-RUS]
    22. [CG Forge] Learning Solaris [ENG-RUS]
    23. [Entagma] New in Houdini 18.5 [ENG-RUS]
    24. [Side FX] Artist Quick Tips [ENG-RUS]
    25. [SideFx] Solaris in Houdini 18.5 [ENG-RUS]
    26. [SideFx] Top Ten Under-the-Radar Features in Houdini 18.5 [ENG-RUS]
    27. [SideFX] Realtime FX with Niagara [ENG-RUS]
    28. [Cgcircuit] Houdini For the New Artist I Update [ENG-RUS]
    29. [Rohan Dalvi] New attribute nodes in Houdini 18.5 [ENG-RUS]
    30. [FXPHD] Houdini Fundamentals Collection 1 [ENG-RUS]
    31. [SideFx] Master Terrain Creation [ENG-RUS]
    32. [Artstation Learning] Introduction to Houdini: Procedural Scattering & Houdini in UE4 [ENG-RUS]
    33. [FXPHD] Houdini Fundamentals Collection 2 [ENG-RUS]
    34. [Rebelway] Introduction To Houdini For 3D Artists [ENG-RUS]
    35. [SideFX] Vellum Nodes [ENG-RUS]
    36. [Rebelway] Free Masterclass: Transferring High-Res Assets from Houdini to Unreal Engine [ENG-RUS]
    37. [hipflask] Houdini Made Easy The Core Essentials [ENG-RUS]
    38. [hipflask] Houdini Geometry Essentials 01 Components & Primitive Types [ENG-RUS]
    39. [CGcircuit] Houdini For The Artist Modeling I [ENG-RUS]
    40. [hipflask] Houdini Geometry Essentials 02 Attributes: Principles, Normals & Vectors [ENG-RUS]
    41. [hipflask] Houdini Geometry Essentials 03 Attributes, Variables & Parameters [ENG-RUS]
    42. [hipflask] Houdini Geometry Essentials 04 Drive Parameters with Attributes [ENG-RUS]
    43. [hipflask] Houdini Geometry Essentials 05 Dive into VOPs [ENG-RUS]
    44. [SideFx] Ultimate Terrain Workflow [ENG-RUS]
    45. [hipflask] Houdini Geometry Essentials 06 Scattering & Distribution [ENG-RUS]
    46. [SideFx] Houdini Digital Assets [ENG-RUS]
    47. [Rebelway] Video Tutorial: Quickly Create LookDev Variants Using Solaris in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    48. [FXPHD] Houdini Fundamentals Collection 3 [ENG-RUS]
    49. [CGcircuit] Discovering Houdini VOP [ENG-RUS]
    50. [Adrien Lambert] Valentine Landscape Design: Full process [ENG-RUS]
    51. [Artstation Learning] Introduction to Houdini: Generating Terrain [ENG-RUS]
    52. [Adrien Lambert] 9 tricks to master procedural environments [ENG-RUS]
    53. [Entagma] New in Houdini 19.5 [ENG-RUS]
    54. [LoveDo] Houdini for Motion Graphics [ENG-RUS]
    55. [FXPHD] Houdini Contexts [ENG-RUS]
    56. [FXPHD] USD in Houdini 19.5 [ENG-RUS]
    57. [FXPHD] USD and LOPs for Houdini Artists [ENG-RUS]

    58. [FXPHD] Houdini FX Tool Building Foundation [ENG-RUS]
    59. [Adrien Lambert] USD - Universal Scene Description: What it is & Why should we care [ENG-RUS]
    60. [hipflask] Houdini Geometry Essentials 01 Components & Primitive Types. Update 1 [ENG-RUS]
    61. [SideFX] Vertex Animation Textures in Unreal [ENG-RUS]
    62. [Rebelway] Using Solaris in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    63. [SideFx] Building shaders with MaterialX in Solaris for Karma [ENG-RUS]
    64. [SideFX] Introduction to PDG in Houdini [ENG-RUS]

    Базовые курсы по 3D. Rhino

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Lynda] Rhino 5 Essential Training [ENG-RUS]

    Базовые курсы по 3D. iClone

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:

    Базовые курсы по 3D. 3D-Coat

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:

    1. [Udemy] Introduction to 3D Coat [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Gumroad] Introduction to 3D Coat [ENG-RUS]

    Базовые курсы по 3D. Разные базовые курсы по 3D

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Lynda] Introduction to 3D [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Lynda] Learn Adobe Fuse CC: The Basics [ENG-RUS]
    3. [ZBrush Summit 2016] Presentation Naughty Dog [ENG-RUS]
    4. [ZBrush Summit 2016] Presentation Disney Animation [ENG-RUS]
    5. [ZBrush Summit 2016] Presentation Blizzard Entertainment [ENG-RUS]
    6. [ZBrush Summit 2016] Presentation ID Software [ENG-RUS]
    7. [ZBrush Summit 2016] Presentation Square Enix [ENG-RUS]
    8. [ZBrush Summit 2016] Presentation Bethesda Game Studios [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Gumroad] Visual Design Basics - Intro to Design [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Grant Warwick] Grant Warwick MasteringCGI Webinars: Hard Surface Design Theory [ENG-RUS]
    Последнее редактирование: 28/1/24
  3. Antonio

    Antonio Администратор

    Язык №1:
    Полный процесс разработки 3D. Создание персонажа

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [CGcircuit] 3d Character Art for Games Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    2. [CGcircuit] 3d Character Art for Games Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    3. [CGcircuit] 3d Character Art for Games Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]
    4. [CGcircuit] 3d Character Art for Games Volume 4 [ENG-RUS]
    5. [CGcircuit] 3d Character Art for Games Volume 5 [ENG-RUS]
    6. [CGcircuit] 3d Character Art for Games Volume 6 [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Andrew Smith] DOTA 2 Workshop [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Cubebrush] 3D Hand-painted Character For Games [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Gumroad] Creating a Realistic Human Eye in CG [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Flippednormals] Creating Characters for Games [ENG-RUS]
    11. [Cubebrush] PBR Character For Games [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Game Art Institute] Character Creation For Games with Adam Skutt [ENG-RUS]
    13. [Cubebrush] Ultimate Career Guide: 3D Artist Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    14. [Cubebrush] Ultimate Career Guide: 3D Artist Part 2 [ENG-RUS]

    15. [Cubebrush] Ultimate Career Guide: 3D Artist Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    16. [3DCharacterWorkshop] 3DCharacterWorkshop by Shane Olson [ENG-RUS]
    17. [CG Master Academy] Character Creation for Film/Cinematics [ENG-RUS]
    18. [Gumroad] Crimson Ronin - 3D PBR character creation for games [ENG-RUS]

    19. [CGMA] Hard Surface Modeling for Characters [ENG-RUS]
    20. [Yiihuu] Creating an Advanced Cinematic Character - Vagrant Knight. Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    21. [Yiihuu] The Dwarf Warrior: 3D Character Creation For Game Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    22. [Yiihuu] Creating an Advanced Cinematic Character - Vagrant Knight. Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    23. [Yiihuu] The Dwarf Warrior: 3D Character Creation For Game Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    24. [Yiihuu] The Dwarf Warrior: 3D Character Creation For Game Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    25. [Gumroad] Creating Realistic Eye in CG 2.0 [ENG-RUS]
    26. [Mold3D] Character Creation for Video Games with J Hill [ENG-RUS]
    27. [CGMA] Character Creation for Film/Cinematics 2020 [ENG-RUS]
    28. [Gumroad] Creating a Real Time Character in Substance Painter Full Course [ENG-RUS]
    29. [CGMA] Character Creation for Games [ENG-RUS]
    30. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating a Stylized Female Character [ENG-RUS]
    31. [Levelup.Digital] Sculpting & Texturing Harley Quinn [ENG-RUS]
    32. [CGCircuit] Concept Selection: 3D Character art [ENG-RUS]
    33. [The Gnomon workshop] The making of Red Myst with Maarten Verhoeven [ENG-RUS]

    34. [Levelup.Digital] Creating a Renaissance Juliet [ENG-RUS]
    35. [Yiihuu] Cat Saga: create advanced 3D concept art model Part 1 [CHN-RUS]
    36. [Artstation] Obi Wan Kenobi Realistic Cg Character [ENG-RUS]
    37. [Yiihuu] Cat Saga: create advanced 3D concept art model Part 2 [CHN-RUS]
    38. [Yiihuu] Creating a Sci-Fi Character for Games [ENG-RUS]
    39. [Udemy] Create a Commercial 3D Game Character in Blender Full Course Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    40. [Udemy] Create a Commercial 3D Game Character in Blender Full Course Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    41. [Coloso] Intro to 3D Cartoon Rendering with Blender Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    42. [Coloso] Intro to 3D Cartoon Rendering with Blender Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    43. [Coloso] Intro to 3D Cartoon Rendering with Blender Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    44. [CGCircuit] Realistic 3D Character with Zbrush [ENG-RUS]

    Полный процесс разработки 3D. Создание животных и существ

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [CG Cookie] Short Film Character Production in Blender [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Uartsy] Creating An MMO Game Character [ENG-RUS]
    3. [The Gnomon Workshop] Hyper-real Insect Design [ENG-RUS]
    4. [The Gnomon Workshop] 3D Creature Design in ZBrush, Keyshot and PS [ENG-RUS]

    5. [Gumroad] Creature Production Part 1 High Res Creation [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Gumroad] Creature Production Part 2 Game Res Process [ENG-RUS]

    7. [Gumroad] Creature Production Part 3 Bonus [ENG-RUS]
    8. [The Gnomon Workshop] Realistic skin with Zbrush and Keyshot [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Learn Squared] Creature Design [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Pluralsight] Modeling and Texturing Animals for Games [ENG-RUS]
    11. [The Gnomon Workshop] Modeling and Rendering a Realistic Jumping Spider [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Learn Squared] Organic Sculpting [ENG-RUS]
    13. [Artstation Learning] Creature Prototyping for Production with Character Creator 3 [ENG-RUS]
    14. [Levelup.Digital] Sculpting & Texturing a Chinese Dragon [ENG-RUS]
    15. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating a Fantasy Creature [ENG-RUS]

    Полный процесс разработки 3D. Создание транспорта
    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Gumroad] Modo Advanced: Drone Ship [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Gumroad] Transport lowpoly tutorial [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Gumroad] Modo Advanced: Spider Truck [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Uartsy] Military Mech Design [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Udemy] Hard Surface Vehicle Modeling in Maya [ENG-RUS]

    Полный процесс разработки 3D. Создание техники и роботов

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [The Gnomon Workshop] Design Techniques for 3D Concept Art [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Learn Squared] Concepting in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Gumroad] Modo Intermediate: Tribot [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Gumroad] Mech Tutorial Complete Edition [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Gumroad] Star Wars: Droid Tutorial [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Gumroad] Blender Intermediate: Crab Bot [ENG-RUS]

    7. [Levelup.Digital] Designing, Modeling, and Texturing an Aircraft [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Gumroad] SciFi Mech Design in Blender Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Gumroad] SciFi Mech Design in Blender Part 2 [ENG-RUS]

    Полный процесс разработки 3D. Создание оружия

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Gumroad] Ultimate Grenade Tutorial Hardsurface 3D Course [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Gumroad] Blade Tutorial [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Gumroad] Ultimate Weapon Tutorial Modeling [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Gumroad] Ultimate Weapon Tutorial Unwrapping [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Gumroad] Ultimate Weapon Tutorial Texturing [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Gumroad] Ultimate Weapon Tutorial Renders [ENG-RUS]
    7. [3Dnice] Game Weapon Modeling Unreal Engine 4 [ENG-RUS]
    8. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating a Gun in Modo [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Gumroad] Ultimate Hardsurface Tutorial Turretgun Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Gumroad] Ultimate Hardsurface Tutorial Turretgun Part 3 [ENG-RUS]

    11. [Gumroad] Sci-Fi Weapon Process [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Gumroad] Ultimate Hardsurface Tutorial Turretgun Part 2 [ENG-RUS]

    13. [CG Master Academy] Weapons and Props for Games [ENG-RUS]
    14. [FlippedNormals] MACE Tutorial – COMPLETE EDITION [ENG-RUS]
    15. [FlippedNormals] SWORD Tutorial – COMPLETE EDITION [ENG-RUS]
    16. [ChamferZone] Revolver Tutorial - Industry ready weapon and attachment creation for games [ENG-RUS]
    17. [FlippedNormals] Ultimate Weapons Masterclass [ENG-RUS]
    18. [Levelup.Digital] Futuristic Weapon Creation [ENG-RUS]
    19. [GnomonWorkshop] Creating a sci-fi pistol for games [ENG-RUS]
    20. [Gumroad] Stylized Game Model Tutorial - Axe [ENG-RUS]

    Полный процесс разработки 3D. Создание игровых пропов

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Udemy] Create a game asset from start to finish [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Lynda] Game Art: Asset Texture Pipeline [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Digital Tutors] Creating a Floater Pack in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    4. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Props for Games Vol. 1 [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Gumroad] Military Radio Tutorial Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Gumroad] Military Radio Tutorial Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Gumroad] Military Radio Tutorial Part 3 [ENG-RUS]

    8. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Props for Games Vol 2 [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Udemy] Procedural Prop Modeling - Ammo Crate [ENG-RUS]

    10. [CGMA] Intro to Production Modeling [ENG-RUS]
    11. [Pluralsight] Creating Modular Game Assets in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Flippednormals] Modeling & Texturing Props for Games [ENG-RUS]
    13. [Artstation] Creating Detailed Props for Games | Dylan Abernethy [ENG-RUS]
    14. [Artstation] Creating a Stylized Diorama | Aaron Villarreal [ENG-RUS]

    Полный процесс разработки 3D. Природная среда

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [CGCookie] Creating Plants in Blender [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Digital Tutors] Modeling Realistic Trees with SpeedTree [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Digital Tutors] Creating Rock Structures for Games in ZBrush and Unreal Engine [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Lynda] Up and Running in VUE [ENG-RUS]
    5. [3DMotive] Terrain In World Machine [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Gumroad] Forest Ground Pack 1 [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Gumroad] Forest Ground Pack 2 [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Gumroad] Forest Ground Pack 3 [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Gumroad] Forest Snow Ground [ENG-RUS]
    10. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Believable 3D Environments [ENG-RUS]
    11. [Digital Tutors] Building a Landscape from the Ground Up in World Machine [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Gumroad] Intro to World Machine [ENG-RUS]
    13. [AgenZasBrothers] Movie Scene Creation in Blender 3D [ENG-RUS]
    14. [Lynda] Up and Running with Plant Factory [ENG-RUS]
    15. [Digital Tutors] L-systems for trees in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    16. [Digital Tutors] Building a Realistic Aerial Forest Scene in 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]
    17. [Blenderguru] The Grass Essentials [ENG-RUS]
    18. [FXPHD] PNT205 3D Plants and Digital Environments [ENG-RUS]
    19. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction To World Machine [ENG-RUS]
    20. [SideFX] Houdini Projects: Terrain Generation 1 [ENG-RUS]
    21. [SideFX] Houdini Projects: Terrain Generation 2 [ENG-RUS]
    22. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Terrains with Satellite Data Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]

    23. [Creative shrimp] Space VFX Elements: Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    24. [Creative shrimp] Space VFX Elements: Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    25. [Creative shrimp] Space VFX Elements: Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]
    26. [Rohan Dalvi] Terrain building in Houdini [ENG-RUS]

    27. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Terrains with Satellite Data Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    28. [Udemy] Houdini Game Art - Create foliage for Games with Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    29. [CGMA 3D] Organic World Building in UE4 [ENG-RUS]
    30. [FXPHD] SPT201 SpeedTree Techniques for VFX [ENG-RUS]
    31. [The Gnomon Workshop] Houdini Terrain Techniques [ENG-RUS]
    32. [CG Master Academy] Vegetation & Plants for Games [ENG-RUS]
    33. [Levelup.Digital] Creating Game-Ready Vegetation [ENG-RUS]
    34. [Gumroad] Procedural Landscapes in Blender [ENG-RUS]

    35. [Gumroad] How to Make a Stylized Outdoor Environment from Start to Finish [ENG-RUS]
    36. [Udemy] Make Hyper-Realistic Outdoor Environments in Unreal Engine [ENG-RUS]
    37. [Udemy] Creating 3D environments in Blender 2020 Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    38. [CGcircuit] Intro to Terrains in Houdini and Unreal [ENG-RUS]
    39. [Udemy] Creating 3D environments in Blender 2020 Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    40. [Rebelway] Advanced Asset Creation In Houdini For VFX And Games [ENG-RUS]
    41. [Gumroad] Basics of Natural Environments [ENG-RUS]
    42. [SideFX] Magic Market - L-Systems [ENG-RUS]
    43. [Rebelway] Mastering Environment creation in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    44. [The Gnomon Workshop] 3D Landscapes with Houdini and Clarisse [ENG-RUS]
    45. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Procedural Environments in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    46. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Procedural Environments in Gaea & Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    47. [CGBoost Academy] Master 3D Environments in Blender [ENG-RUS]
    48. [Udemy] Unreal Engine 5 - Learn to make Realistic Environments [ENG-RUS]
    49. [CGcircuit] Creating Terrains using Satellite Data in Houdini [ENG-RUS]

    50. [Udemy] Creating modular environments part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    51. [Rebelway] Using Volumes to Create Complex 3D Assets in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    32. [Udemy] Creating modular environments part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    33. [FXPHD] Height Fields in Houdini Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    34. [CGCookie] Creating a Stylized 3d Forest Environment with Blender 2.9 [ENG-RUS]

    35. [Pascal Wiemers] Plant Growth Setup (Redshift&Quixel Megascans)+Scattering Quixel Assets [ENG-RUS]
    36. [Rebelway] Creatively Using Terrain Tools for Asset Development in Houdini [ENG-RUS]

    37. [Gnomon workshop] Creating complex vegetation foliage for games [ENG-RUS]
    38. [Rebelway] Free Tutorial: Complex Cliffs and Bricks in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    39. [The Gnomon Workshop] Natural Environment Creation Techniques [ENG-RUS]
    40. [FXPHD] Height Fields in Houdini Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    41. [Udemy] Unreal Engine 5: Easy Cinematic Environments [ENG-RUS]
    42. [Flippednormals] Introduction to Speedtree [ENG-RUS]
    43. [ArtStation] Creating Vegetation for Games [ENG-RUS]
    44. [CBaileyFilm] The Ultimate Short Film Course In Blender Part 1 [ENG-RUS]

    Полный процесс разработки 3D. Искусственная среда

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [The Gnomon Workshop] Environment Sculpting [ENG-RUS]
    2. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating a Sci-Fi Alleyway Detailed Environment Techniques [ENG-RUS]
    3. [The Gnomon Workshop] Advanced 3D Matte Painting Techniques [ENG-RUS]
    4. [The Gnomon Workshop] CityEngine in VFX [ENG-RUS]
    5. [The Gnomon Workshop] Environment Production Workflow: Tips, Tricks and Concepts [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Uartsy] Environment Creation in Unreal Engine 4 [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Udemy] Creating 3D environments in Blender [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Gumroad] Modo Intermediate: Sci-fi Corridor [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Gumroad] Introduction to Game Art [ENG-RUS]
    10. [CMIVFX] Houdini XML Based Procedural Cities [ENG-RUS]
    11. [3DMotive] Stylized Dungeon Environment Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    12. [3DMotive] Stylized Dungeon Environment Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    13. [3DMotive] Stylized Dungeon Environment Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]
    14. [3DMotive] Stylized Dungeon Environment Volume 4 [ENG-RUS]

    15. [Uartsy] Environment Creation Techniques [ENG-RUS]

    16. [Gumroad] Houdini Procedural Lake Houses Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    17. [Gumroad] Houdini Procedural Lake Houses Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]

    18. [Gumroad] Houdini Procedural Lake Houses Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]
    19. [Gumroad] Houdini Procedural Lake Houses Volume 4 [ENG-RUS]
    20. [3DMotive] Hand Painted Enviro Texturing Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    21. [CGMA 3D] Intro to Environment Art [ENG-RUS]
    22. [Gumroad] Houdini Procedural Lake Houses Volume 5 [ENG-RUS]
    23. [Artstation Masterclasses] Designing a Modular Environment using Unreal [ENG-RUS]
    24. [3DMotive] Hand Painted Enviro Texturing Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    25. [3DMotive] Hand Painted Enviro Texturing Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]

    26. [The Gnomon Workshop] Building a Stylized Environment Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    27. [The Gnomon Workshop] Houdini Randomization and Scattering [ENG-RUS]
    28. [The Gnomon Workshop] Building a Stylized Environment Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    29. [The Gnomon Workshop] Building a Stylized Environment Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]
    30. [Gnomon workshop] Creating Complex Designs and Patterns [ENG-RUS]
    31. [Sidefx] City Building With OSM Data [ENG-RUS]
    32. [Gumroad] Procedural Cityscapes in Blender [ENG-RUS]
    33. [CGMA] Environment Art for Games in UE4 [ENG-RUS]
    34. [SideFX] Magic Market - Procedural Rocks [ENG-RUS]
    35. [SideFX] Magic Market - Terrain Concepts [ENG-RUS]
    36. [FastTrack Tutorials] Large Game Environment Creation - In-Depth Tutorial Course [UE5] [ENG-RUS]
    37. [Gnomon Workshop] Efficient Techniques For Building 3D Environments [ENG-RUS]
    38. [Sidefx] Post Apocalyptic Ruins for EU4 in Houdini [ENG-RUS]

    39. [Udemy] Blender Environment Artist: Create 3D Worlds From Scratch [ENG-RUS]
    40. [Udemy] Creating Next-Gen Environments in UE5 Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    41. [Udemy] Creating Next-Gen Environments in UE5 Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    42. [Udemy] Unreal Engine 5: Easy Realistic Scenes for Beginners [ENG-RUS]
    43. [Gnomon Workshop] Creating Assets and Architecture for Game Environments [ENG-RUS]
    44. [Yiihuu] DNEG – Large Scale Environment Creation Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    43. [Yiihuu] DNEG – Large Scale Environment Creation Part 2 [ENG-RUS]

    Полный процесс разработки 3D. Создание продуктов питания

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Rohan Dalvi] Tea and cookies with Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Rohan Dalvi] Making dessert in Houdini Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Rohan Dalvi] Making dessert in Houdini Part 2 [ENG-RUS]

    Полный процесс разработки 3D. Создание анимационного фильма

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Digital Tutors] Daydreamer: Production Pipeline Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Animsquad] Master Class: Animating a Cartoony Shot [ENG-RUS]
    3. [The Animation Box] Cartoon Mechanics Masterclass [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Pluralsight] Daydreamer: Production Pipeline Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Pluralsight] Daydreamer: Production Pipeline Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Pluralsight] Daydreamer: Production Pipeline Volume 4 [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Pluralsight] Daydreamer: Production Pipeline Volume 5 [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Pluralsight] Daydreamer: Production Pipeline Volume 6 [ENG-RUS]
    Последнее редактирование: 7/4/24
  4. Antonio

    Antonio Администратор

    Язык №1:
    Моделирование и Скульптинг. Базовое моделирование и скульптинг

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Digital Tutors] Quick Start to Modeling in Maya: Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Digital Tutors] Quick Start to Modeling in Maya: Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Digital Tutors] Quick Start to Modeling in Maya: Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Digital Tutors] Quick Start to Modeling in Maya: Volume 4 [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Digital Tutors] Quick Start to Modeling in Maya: Volume 5 [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Gumroad] 3D Coat Hard Surface Basics [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Digital Tutors] Skill-Builder Interpretive Modeling in 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Udemy] Learning Maya after knowing 3ds Max: Modelling [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Rohan Dalvi] Hard surface modeling in Houdini [ENG-RUS]

    10. [Helloluxx] Houdini Jumpstart Vol 01: Intro to Procedural Modelling [ENG-RUS]
    11. [zbrushguides] Booleans In ZBrush 4R8 [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Digital Tutors] Skill-Builder: Interpretive Modeling in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    13. [FXPHD] Houdini Procedural Spline Modeling [ENG-RUS]
    14. [MIX Training] Procedural Modeling For Film and Video Games [ENG-RUS]
    15. [FlippedNormals] Introduction to Sculpting [ENG-RUS]
    16. [Skillshare] Maya for Beginners Part 1: 3D Modeling [ENG-RUS]

    17. [FlippedNormals] Sculpting a Realistic Female Face in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    18. [Flippednormals] Zbrush 2022 Hard Surface Sculpting for Beginners [ENG-RUS]

    Моделирование и Скульптинг. Продвинутое моделирование и скульптинг

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Grant Warwick] Mastering Hard Surface Part 1-9 [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Grant Warwick] Mastering Hard Surface Part 10-12 [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Grant Warwick] Mastering Hard Surface Part 13-14 [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Digital Tutors] Professional Tips for Modeling Complex Shapes Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Digital Tutors] Professional Tips for Modeling Complex Shapes Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Digital Tutors] Professional Tips for Modeling Complex Shapes Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Digital Tutors] Professional Tips for Modeling Complex Shapes Part 4 [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Eat 3D] ZBrush Hard Surface Techniques [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Eat 3D] ZBrush Hard Surface Techniques 2 [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Helloluxx] MILG11: Hard Surface Modelling Tactics For Cinema 4D [ENG-RUS]

    11. [Lynda] Maya: Advanced Modeling [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Gumroad] Mastering 3D Modeling In Cinema 4D Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    13. [Gumroad] Hard Surface Modeling in Blender Part 1 [ENG-RUS]

    14. [Gumroad] Mastering 3D Modeling In Cinema 4D Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    15. [Gumroad] Mastering 3D Modeling In Cinema 4D Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    16. [Rohan Dalvi] Procedural Modeling in Houdini Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    17. [Rohan Dalvi] Procedural Modeling in Houdini Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    18. [Gumroad] Hard Surface Modeling in Blender Part 2 [ENG-RUS]

    19. [Creative Shrimp] 50 Modeling Issues From Hell [ENG-RUS]
    20. [Sidefx] Procedural Railroad Tracks [ENG-RUS]
    21. [SideFx] Mystic Towers/ Procedural modelling [ENG-RUS]
    22. [Sidefx] Complex Roads In Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    23. [Sidefx] Sci-Fi Terminal & Fuel Tanks [ENG-RUS]
    24. [Sidefx] Sci-Fi Door Generator [ENG-RUS]
    25. [Sidefx] Sci-Fi Crate Generator [ENG-RUS]
    26. [Sidefx] Sci-Fi Stair Generator [ENG-RUS]
    27. [Sidefx] Sci-Fi Core [ENG-RUS]
    28. [Sidefx] Sci-Fi Panel Generator [ENG-RUS]
    29. [Sidefx] Sci-Fi Level Builder [ENG-RUS]
    30. [Gumroad] The Hard Surface Handbook (For Blender) [ENG-RUS]
    31. [CGMA] Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    32. [Sidefx] Procedural Pipes [ENG-RUS]
    33. [SideFx] Project Titan Fence Tool [ENG-RUS]
    34. [SideFx] Project Titan Tree Pivot Painter [ENG-RUS]

    35. [SideFx] Project Titan Stacking Tool [ENG-RUS]

    36. [SideFx] Project Titan Building Tool [ENG-RUS]
    37. [CGBoost Academy] Master 3D Sculpting in Blender Version 2.0 Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    38. [SideFx] Project Titan Cable Tool [ENG-RUS]
    39. [SideFx] Project Titan Rails Tool [ENG-RUS]
    40. [CGBoost Academy] Master 3D Sculpting in Blender Version 2.0 Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    41. [SideFx] Project Titan Shrub Tool [ENG-RUS]
    42. [SideFx] Project Titan Ivy Tool [ENG-RUS]
    43. [SideFx] Project Titan Platform Tool [ENG-RUS]

    44. [SideFx] Project Titan Train Tool [ENG-RUS]
    45. [CG Cookie] Human: Realistic Portrait Creation With Blender Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    46. [CG Cookie] Human: Realistic Portrait Creation With Blender Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    47. [Udemy] The Ultimate Blender 3D Geometry Nodes Course Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    48. [Udemy] The Ultimate Blender 3D Geometry Nodes Course Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    49. [Udemy] The Ultimate Blender 3D Geometry Nodes Course Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    50. [Udemy] The Ultimate Blender 3D Geometry Nodes Course Part 4 [ENG-RUS]
    51. [Rohan Dalvi] VDB and noise in Houdini [ENG-RUS]

    Моделирование и Скульптинг. Топология и Ретопология

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Gumroad] Finalizing Base Mesh Topology For Production [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Digital tutors] Topology Tools in TopoGun 2.0 [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Lynda] Managing Edge Flow in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Udemy] 3D Character Creation: Retopologizing For Animation Zbrush [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Digital Tutors] Skill-Builder: Mastering Topology in Maya [Eng-Rus]
    6. [Gumroad] Human Face Topology For Production [ENG-RUS]

    7. [Pluralsight] Retopologizing Game Characters in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Pluralsight] Topology Fundamentals in 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]

    9. [Pluralsight] Optimized Game Character Modeling [ENG-RUS]
    10. [CGCookie] Introduction to Retopology [ENG-RUS]
    11. [Gumroad] The Topology Handbook for Blender 2.8 [ENG-RUS]
    12. [FlippedNormals] How to Retopologize a Full Character [ENG-RUS]
    13. [FlippedNormals] Retopology in Blender 2.8 [ENG-RUS]
    14. [FlippedNormals] Create Clean Topology Remove N-gon and Triangle in Blender [ENG-RUS]

    15. [CGCookie] Blender Mesh Modeling Bootcamp [ENG-RUS]

    Моделирование и Скульптинг. Создание роботов, техники и транспорта

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Digital Tutors] Creating a Sci-Fi Robot Warrior in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Cubebrush] Zbrush for Hard Surface Design [ENG-RUS]
    3. [The Gnomon Workshop] 3D Design for Production [ENG-RUS]
    4. [The Gnomon Workshop] Sci-Fi Costume Design in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Digital Tutors] Automotive Modeling in 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Gumroad] Hard Surface 3D Modeling for Production [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Gumroad] Zbrush Hard Surface Techniques [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Udemy] Hard Surface Modeling and Sculpting Course in 3D Coat [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Cubebrush] Sci-fi Character Design in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Cubebrush] 3D-Based Character Illustration [ENG-RUS]
    11. [The Gnomon Workshop] Character Design and Modeling for Next-Gen Games [ENG-RUS]
    12. [3DMotive] Mechanical Assets in 3ds Max Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    13. [3DMotive] Mechanical Assets in 3ds Max Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    14. [3DMotive] Mechanical Assets in 3ds Max Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]
    15. [Rohan Dalvi] Procedural Vehicle Modeling [ENG-RUS]
    16. [Gumroad] 3D Coat Hard Surface Character [ENG-RUS]
    17. [Udemy] Zbrush 4R8: Hard Surface Sculpting for all Levels [ENG-RUS]
    18. [ArtStation Masterclasses] Robotic 3D Design for Entertainment [ENG-RUS]
    19. [CG Master Academy] Hard Surface Modeling for Films [ENG-RUS]
    20. [Gumroad] Blender Advanced: Cargo Spaceship [ENG-RUS]

    21. [The Gnomon Workshop] Vehicle Modeling for Production [ENG-RUS]
    22. [Udemy] Complete Hardsurface Modelling & Sculpting inside ZBrush4R8 [ENG-RUS]
    23. [Artstation Masterclasses] Mech Design Concept for the Entertainment Industry [ENG-RUS]
    24. [Uartsy] Hard Surface Sculpting in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    25. [Pluralsight] Designing Hard Surface Characters with ZBrush and Keyshot [ENG-RUS]
    26. [CG Boost] Blender 2.8 Launch Pad Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    27. [Gumroad] The ULTIMATE Guide to Hard Ops and Boxcutter [ENG-RUS]
    28. [CG Boost] Blender 2.8 Launch Pad Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    29. [Artstation] Hard Surface ZBrush Tutorial // Modeling A UH-60 Rotor by Henry Chervenka [ENG-RUS]
    30. [Artstation] Zbrush Mech Concept - Tutorial [ENG-RUS]

    Моделирование и Скульптинг. Создание оружия и пропов

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Digital Tutors] Rapidly Creating Stylized Game Assets in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Digital Tutors] Sculpting a Dragon Scroll Asset in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Gumroad] Speed Modeling and Texturing [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Digital Tutors] Sculpting a Stylized Axe in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Pluralsight] Game Weapon Modeling Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Gumroad] Hard Surface In ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Artstation Masterclasses] Hard Surface Trim Sheet Tutorial [ENG-RUS]

    Моделирование и Скульптинг. Создание персонажей и животных

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [The Gnomon Workshop] Sculpting a Dragon with ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Cubebrush] Character Head Design Workflow [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Gumroad] Character Creation in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    4. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Hyper Realistic Characters in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Gumroad] 3D Creature Modeling for Production [ENG-RUS]
    6. [The Gnomon Workshop] Character Modeling for Production [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Uartsy] Sculpting Animals [ENG-RUS]
    8. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creature modeling for production [EN-RUS]
    9. [Digital Tutors] Altering Body Weight in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Mold3D Academy] Master organic Modeling [EN-RUS]
    11. [Pluralsight] ZModeler Character Workflows in ZBrush and Maya [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Gumroad] Dragons Workshop Posing the Dragon [ENG-RUS]
    13. [Gumroad] Intro to ZBrush and Character Design [ENG-RUS]

    14. [Digital Tutors] Modeling an Organized Head Mesh in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    15. [Pluralsight] Game Character Sculpting in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    16. [Gumroad] Advanced zBrush: Female Design & Hard Surface Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    17. [Pluralsight] Sculpting a Character for mobile Games [ENG-RUS]
    18. [CGsociety] Hair Creation for Games [ENG-RUS]
    19. [Pluralsight] ZBrush FiberMesh Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]

    20. [Gumroad] Advanced zBrush: Female Design & Hard Surface Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    21. [Uartsy] Stylized Character Development [ENG-RUS]
    22. [Gumroad] Sculpting In Blender For Beginners [ENG-RUS]
    23. [Artstation Masterclasses] Designing for Production in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    24. [CGMA 3D] Hair Creation & Styling for Games [ENG-RUS]
    25. [Gumroad] Sculpting In Blender For Beginners Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    26. [Pluralsight] Game Creature Sculpting Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]

    27. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creature Sculpting [ENG-RUS]
    28. [Pluralsight] Stylized Animal Modeling for Games [ENG-RUS]
    29. [CGMA] Stylized Characters in 3D [ENG-RUS]
    30. [Gumroad] From Basics to Advanced 3D Sketching [ENG-RUS]
    31. [The Gnomon Workshop] Dynamic Animal Sculpting [ENG-RUS]
    32. [The Gnomon workshop] Original Creature Concepts [ENG-RUS]
    33. [Domestika] Professional Modelling of 3D Cartoon Characters [ENG-RUS]
    34. [Domestika] Digital Sculpture of Fantastic Creatures with ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    35. [Udemy] Zbrush 2021 Character Likeness Sculpting Tutorial [ENG-RUS]
    36. [The Gnomon Workshop] Matching a stylized concept in Zbrush [ENG-RUS]
    37. [Art Heroes] Stylized Characters creation in Zbrush [ENG-RUS]

    38. [Pluralsight] An Immortal Design: Character Design Theory and Development [ENG-RUS]
    39. [Udemy] Female Character Creation in Zbrush [ENG-RUS]
    40. [Udemy] Orc Rider and Bull Creature Creation in Zbrush Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    41. [FlippedNormals] Real-Time Hair Tutorial [ENG-RUS]
    42. [Udemy] Realistic Character Design for Games [ENG-RUS]
    43. [Udemy] Realistic Character Modeling For Game In Maya and Zbrush [ENG-RUS]

    Моделирование и Скульптинг. Создание элементов окружения

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [CGSociety] Environment Modelling for Games Week 1 [ENG-RUS]
    2. [CGSociety] Environment Modelling for Games Week 2 [ENG-RUS]
    3. [CGSociety] Environment Modelling for Games Week 3 [ENG-RUS]
    4. [CGSociety] Environment Modelling for Games Week 4 [ENG-RUS]
    5. [CGSociety] Environment Modelling for Games Week 5 Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    6. [CGSociety] Environment Modelling for Games Week 5 Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    7. [CGSociety] Environment Modelling for Games Week 6 [ENG-RUS]
    8. [CGSociety] Environment Modelling for Games Week 7 [ENG-RUS]
    9. [CGSociety] Environment Modelling for Games Week 8 [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Digital Tutors] Sculpting a Stylized Game Environment in ZBrush and 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]
    11. [Gumroad] Modeling and Sculpting Environments for Video Games [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Digital Tutors] Designing a Modular Structure for Games in 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]
    13. [Pluralsight] Hard Surface Modeling a Modular Structure for Games in 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]
    14. [Pluralsight] Sculpting Modular Structures in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    15. [Rohan Dalvi] Floating islands of Houdini 1-3 Parts [ENG-RUS]
    16. [Gumroad] Rock Techniques [ENG-RUS]
    17. [SideFX] Houdini 16 Heightfields [ENG-RUS]
    18. [Gumroad] Intro to Destruction Sculpting [ENG-RUS]
    19. [Pluralsight] Game Environment Modeling Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]

    20. [Rohan Dalvi] Ornamental Designs in Houdini Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    21. [Rohan Dalvi] Ornamental Designs in Houdini Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    22. [SideFx] Tree Swing Vellum [ENG-RUS]
    23. [Polygon Runway] Spring - Blender 2.8 Lopoly Isometric Modeling and Rendering Tutorial [ENG-RUS]
    24. [Pluralsight] Stylized Forest Sculpting in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    25. [CGMA] Stylized 3D Asset Creation for Games Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    26. [CGMA] Stylized 3D Asset Creation for Games Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    27. [Levelup.Digital] Game-Ready Tree Creation from Maya to Unreal [ENG-RUS]
    28. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Creating Game-Ready Foliage With Peyton Varney [ENG-RUS]
    29. [Gumroad] How to Make Modular Buildings [ENG-RUS]
    30. [The Gnomon Workshop] Gaea Essentials: Create Realistic Procedural Environments [ENG-RUS]

    31. [SideFx] Tree Generator [ENG-RUS]
    32. [Gumroad] Introduction To World Creator [ENG-RUS]
    33. [SideFX] The Complete A-Z Terrain Handbook in Houdini 19 [ENG-RUS]

    34. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating High - Resolution custom trees using Speedtree [ENG-RUS]
    35. [Artstation Learning] Introduction to Gaea [ENG-RUS]
    36. [Gumroad] The Faroe Islands And The Waterfall Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    37. [CGcircuit] Houdini Tutorial Procedural Modeling [ENG-RUS]
    38. [Gumroad] The Faroe Islands And The Waterfall Part 2 [ENG-RUS]

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Udemy] Complex clothes in 1 hour [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Digital Tutors] Creating a Detailed Dress in Marvelous Designer [ENG-RUS]
    3. [3DMotive] Intro to Marvelous Designer [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Tuto] Formation Marvelous Designer [FRA-RUS]
    5. [Udemy] Creating and animating character with clothes 3ds Max and Marvelous Designer [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Lynda] ZBrush: Learn to Sculpt Cloth [ENG-RUS]

    7. [CG Elves] Mastering Marvelous Designer: Beginners Course [ENG-RUS]
    8. [CG Elves] Shirts, Tops & Hoodies Workshop [ENG-RUS]
    9. [CG Elves] Jackets & Coats Workshop [ENG-RUS]
    10. [CG Elves] Tuxedo 3-Piece Suit Workshop [ENG-RUS]
    11. [CG Elves] Conquering Sleeves Workshop [ENG-RUS]
    12. [CG Elves] Skirts Workshop [ENG-RUS]
    13. [CG Elves] Dresses Workshop [ENG-RUS]
    14. [CG Elves] Pants & Shorts Workshop [ENG-RUS]
    15. [CG Elves] Capes & Cloaks Workshop [ENG-RUS]
    16. [CG Elves] Hoods & Hats Workshop [ENG-RUS]
    17. [CG Elves] Military Clothes & Officer Uniform Workshop [ENG-RUS]
    18. [CG Elves] Camille Bathing Robe Workshop [ENG-RUS]

    19. [Digital Tutors] Cloth Workflows in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    20. [Uartsy] Armor Creation in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    21. [Gumroad] Marvelous Designer For Concept Art [ENG-RUS]
    22. [Gumroad] Boot ZBrush Tutorial [ENG-RUS]
    23. [CG Elves] Marvelous Designer 6 [ENG-RUS]
    24. [Cubebrush] Marvelous Designer 6: Making A Jacket From Scratch [ENG-RUS]
    25. [Uartsy] Clothing Design For Games [ENG-RUS]
    26. [Pluralsight] Marvelous Designer Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    27. [Digital Tutors] Creating Realistic Clothing in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]

    28. [ZbrushGuides] Clothes & Drapery [ENG-RUS]
    29. [The Gnomon Workshop] Cloth modeling pipeline with Marvelous designer [ENG-RUS]
    30. [Cubebrush] Making a Sci Fi Overall in Marvelous Designer 6.5 [ENG-RUS]

    31. [CG Elves] Marvelous Designer 7 [ENG-RUS]
    32. [Udemy] Realistic Clothing Workflow for AAA Game Male Characters [ENG-RUS]
    33. [Cubebrush] An Introduction to Marvelous Designer [ENG-RUS]

    34. [CGMA 3D] Introduction to Marvelous Designer [ENG-RUS]
    35. [Gumroad] Creating a Trench coat using Marvelous Designer and ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    36. [FlippedNormals] Cyberpunk Bomber Jacket – 3D Fashion Design Course [ENG-RUS]

    37. [Domestika] Clothing Design with Marvelous Designer [ENG-RUS]
    38. [Udemy] Complete Guide to Marvelous Designer 11 [ENG-RUS]
    39. [FlippedNormals] Marvelous Designer Hats – 3D Fashion Design Course [ENG-RUS]
    40. [CGCircuit] Realistic 3D Clothing [ENG-RUS]
    41. [Flipped Normals] Streetwear Outfit In Marvelous Designer [ENG-RUS]
    42. [Аrtstation] Creating a Cyberpunk Style Outfit in Marvelous Designer [ENG-RUS]

    43. [Cubebrush] Making a Combat Pouch in Marvelous Designer [ENG-RUS]

    Моделирование и Скульптинг. Моделирование в CAD

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Gumroad] Fusion 360 Quickstart [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Gumroad] Fusion 360 For Concept Design Muzzle Brake [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Learn Squared] Hard Surface Modeling [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Gumroad] Fusion 360 For Concept Design Pistol Design Tutorial [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Learn Squared] Industrial Design Foundations [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Gumroad] Fusion 360 For Concept Design MK2.0 Grenade Tutorial [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Gumroad] Fusion 360 For Concept Design BUSHTEK Holographic Site Tutorial [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Gumroad] Fusion 360 Hard Surface Tutorial [ENG-RUS]
    Последнее редактирование: 18/2/24
  5. Antonio

    Antonio Администратор

    Язык №1:
    Текстурирование и Шейдинг. Базовое обучение программам

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Digital Tutors] Introduction to MARI 2.0 [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Digital Tutors] Your First Day in MARI [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Digital Tutors] Introduction to Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Allegorithmic] Substance with Unity [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Digital Tutors] Introduction to Substance Designer 4.6 [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Allegorithmic] Substance Painter 1.7 New Features Tutorial [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Allegorithmic] What's New in Substance Designer 5, Wha's New in Substance Painter 1.5 [Eng-Rus]
    8. [Jens Kafitz] Mari 3 Extension Pack R1 [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Allegorithmic] Substance Painter 2.0 New Features and Updates [ENG-RUS]
    10. [The Gnomon Workshop] Maya Viewport 2.0 and Shader FX [ENG-RUS]
    11. [3DMotive] Learn Texture Creation In PixPlant [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Michael Pavlovich] Substance Painter Quick Start [ENG-RUS]
    13. [Allegorithmic] MDL in Substance Designer 5.5 [ENG-RUS]
    14. [Pluralsight] Substance Painter Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    15. [Gumroad] Substance Painter To Vray: The Complete Workflow [ENG-RUS]
    16. [Allegorithmic] Substance in Unreal Engine 4 [ENG-RUS]
    17. [Michael Pavlovich] Substance Designer Quick Start [ENG-RUS]
    18. [Jens Kafitz] Mari 3 Extension Pack R2 [ENG-RUS]
    19. [Pluralsight] Substance Designer Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    20. [Allegorithmic] Substance Painter External Rendering Workflows [ENG-RUS]
    21. [Lynda] Substance Designer Essential Training [ENG-RUS]
    22. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    23. [Lynda] Substance B2M [ENG-RUS]
    24. [Lynda] Substance Designer Essential Training Updated [ENG-RUS]
    25. [Allegorithmic] Getting started with Substance Painter 2018 [ENG-RUS]
    26. [Pluralsight] Introduction to MARI 3 [ENG-RUS]

    27. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Substance Painter 2018 [ENG-RUS]

    28. [Lynda] Unreal: Substance Designer Workflow [ENG-RUS]
    29. [Gumroad] Substance Fundamentals Tutorial Part 1: Pattern Creation and Natural Scattering [ENG-RUS]
    30. [Gumroad] Substance Fundamentals Tutorial Part 2: Essential Nodes [ENG-RUS]

    31. [Gumroad] Substance Fundamentals Tutorial Part 3: Voronoi Cells and Shapes [ENG-RUS]
    32. [Gumroad] Substance Fundamentals Tutorial Part 4: Color Application [ENG-RUS]
    33. [Gumroad] Substance Fundamentals Tutorial Part 5: Parameters and Generators [ENG-RUS]

    34. [Udemy] Substance Painter 2 for All Levels [ENG-RUS]
    35. [Lynda] Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training [ENG-RUS]
    36. [lynda] Substance Designer 2020 Essential Training [ENG-RUS]

    37. [Gumroad] Substance Studies Tutorial Graphic Design [ENG-RUS]
    38. [Artstation Learning] Substance Painter: Pushing Your Texturing Further [ENG-RUS]
    39. [Learn Squared] Substance Designer with Daniel Thiger [ENG-RUS]

    40. [lynda] Substance Painter: Photorealistic Techniques [ENG-RUS]
    41. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Substance Painter 2020 With Christophe Desse [ENG-RUS]
    42. [Substance Academy] Substance Painter 2021 Getting Started [ENG-RUS]

    43. [Learn Squared] Substance Designer Essentials from Javier Perez Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    44. [Learn Squared] Substance Designer Essentials from Javier Perez Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    45. [Udemy] Substance Designer 2020: Stylized material creation [ENG-RUS]
    46. [CGBoost Academy] Substance Painter Launch Pad [ENG-RUS]
    47. [Creative Shrimp] Procedural Texturing - Blender Master Class [ENG-RUS]
    48. [Udemy] Substance Painter 2019 All Levels Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    49. [Udemy] Substance Painter 2019 All Levels Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]

    50. [Flipped Normals] Advanced Texturing in Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    51. [Mograph mentor] Ultimate Guide to Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    52. [Levelup.Digital] Intro to Plugin Creation in Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    [Udemy] Advanced Texturing in Substance Painter 2022 [ENG-RUS]
    54. [FXPHD] Fundamentals in Substance Designer & Painter [ENG-RUS]
    55. [Udemy] Substance 3D Designer for Beginners [ENG-RUS]

    56. [Udemy] Substance Painter Texturing for Beginners Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    57. [Udemy] Substance Painter Texturing for Beginners Part 2 [ENG-RUS]

    58. [Udemy] Substance 3D Painter Advance Course Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    59. [Udemy] Substance 3D Painter Advance Course Part 2 [ENG-RUS]

    Текстурирование и Шейдинг. Текстурная развертка

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Digital Tutors] Introduction to UVLayout [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Tutsplus] An Introduction To UVMapping In 3d Studio Max Using The Unwrap UVW Modifier [ENG-RUS]
    3. [lynda] Mastering UVW Mapping in 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Digital Tutors] UV Mapping Techniques for Games in 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Gumroad] Quick UV Mapping For Production [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Digital Tutors] Multi-Tile Texture Workflows [Eng-Rus]
    7. [3DMotive] UV Unwrapping in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Digital Tutors] Game Character UVs Made Easy in 3ds Max [Eng-Rus]
    9. [Digital Tutors] UV Mapping Workflows in Blender [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Lynda] 3ds Max 2018: Mastering UVW Mapping [ENG-RUS]
    11. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to the UV Toolkit in Autodesk Maya 2018 [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Richard Yot] Strategies for UV Mapping Organic Models [ENG-RUS]

    13. [3DMotive] UV Mapping in Blender Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    14. [3DMotive] UV Mapping in Blender Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    15. [Pixel Academy] Mastering UVW Mapping in Houdini 16.5 [ENG-RUS]

    16. [Richard Yot] Strategies for UV Mapping Hard Surface Models [ENG-RUS]
    17. [Pluralsight] UV Mapping Game Characters in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    18. [Pluralsight] CINEMA 4D UV Mapping Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    19. [Lynda] Blender 2.8 UV Mapping [ENG-RUS]

    20. [Substance Academy] Working with UV Tiles (UDIM) [ENG-RUS]
    21. [Udemy] Complex UV Mapping from start to finish [ENG-RUS]
    22. [Skillshare] How to UV Unwrap Anything in Blender 2.8 [ENG-RUS]
    23. [FlippedNormals] UV Mapping for Games [ENG-RUS]
    24. [FlippedNormals] UV Mapping Characters [ENG-RUS]
    25. [Gumroad] Hard Surface Unwrapping in Blender [ENG-RUS]

    Текстурирование и Шейдинг. Запекание карт

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Gumroad] Displacement Map Setup For Production [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Gumroad] Real-Time Creation For Games Production [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Digital Tutors] Map Baking Techniques for Games in 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Digital Tutors] Map Baking Techniques in Maya LT [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Digital Tutors] Map Baking Techniques for Games in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Pluralsight] Baking Texture Maps in Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    7. [SideFX] Houdini 15 Mantra Rendering & Texture Baking [ENG-RUS]
    8. [3dmotive] Introduction to Knald [ENG-RUS]
    9. [3DMotive] Intro to normal maps [ENG-RUS]
    10. [CGCookie] Normal Map Modeling for Games [ENG-RUS]
    11. [Grant Abbitt] Beginners Guide to Baking [ENG-RUS]
    12. [FlippedNormals] Introduction to Texture Baking [ENG-RUS]

    Текстурирование и Шейдинг. Основы шейдинга и текстурирования

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Digital Tutors] Introduction to Materials in Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Digital Tutors] Introduction to Materials in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Digital Tutors] Physically Based Rendering in Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Digital Tutors] Creating Textures that Tell a Story in ZBrush and Photoshop [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Digital Tutors] Creating an Alpha Pack in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Udemy] 3ds Max + V-Ray: PRO material workflow [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Lynda] Substance Designer Painted Metal [ENG-RUS]
    8. [cmiVFX] Houdini Shading Systems [ENG-RUS]
    9. [The Gnomon Workshop] Demystifying Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Allegorithmic] Substance Designer Intermediate-Advanced Tutorials [ENG-RUS]

    11. [Rohan Dalvin] Shader building in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Allegorithmic] Creating a custom damage filter for Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    13. [Allegorithmic] Substance for Unity 5 Creating PBR textures [ENG-RUS]
    14. [Richard Yot] The Modo Shading Masterclass Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    15. [Richard Yot] The Modo Shading Masterclass Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    16. [Richard Yot] The Modo Shading Masterclass Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    17. [Richard Yot] The Modo Shading Masterclass Part 4 [ENG-RUS]
    18. [Richard Yot] The Modo Shading Masterclass Part 5 [ENG-RUS]
    19. [Joshua Lynch] Fundamental Concepts With Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    20. [SideFX] Houdini 15 Masterclass Shading [ENG-RUS]
    21. [cmiVFX] Substance Painter In Action [ENG-RUS]
    22. [Lynda] 3ds Max: Advanced Materials [ENG-RUS]
    23. [Viscorbel] Creating V-Ray Materials Vol 3 [ENG-RUS]
    24. [Allegorithmic] Substance Painter Texturing for Beginners [ENG-RUS]
    25. [Viscorbel] Creating Old N Dirty V-Ray Materials [ENG-RUS]
    26. [3DMotive] Texture Creation In Photoshop [ENG-RUS]
    27. [Rohan Dalvi] Texture building in houdini [ENG-RUS]
    28. [SideFX] Houdini 16 Custom Shading [ENG-RUS]
    29. [SideFX] Houdini 16 New Shading Features [ENG-RUS]
    30. [SideFX] Houdini 15 Masterclass Material Stylesheets [ENG-RUS]
    31. [Pluralsight] Creating an Advanced Material with Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]

    32. [CGcircuit] MARI Projection Painting [ENG-RUS]
    33. [Allegorithmic] Creating Photorealistic Procedural Materials in Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]

    34. [Gumroad] Rock Creation Techniques Part 1: Shapes [ENG-RUS]
    35. [Gumroad] Rock Creation Techniques Part 2: Surface Detailing [ENG-RUS]
    36. [Levelup.Digital] Advanced Shape Creation in Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    37. [Levelup.Digital] Advanced Pattern & Fabric Creation in Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]

    38. [Udemy] Become a Material Guru in Blender 2.8x, Cycles [ENG-RUS]
    39. [CGMA] Advanced Substance for Environment Art [ENG-RUS]
    40. [The Gnomon Workshop] Texturing and Shading for Production [ENG-RUS]
    41. [Gumroad] Texturing Realistic Leather in Substance Painter Mini Course [ENG-RUS]
    42. [Substance Academy] Mastering Blending Modes [ENG-RUS]
    43. [Rebelway] The Basics of Substance Designer for Realtime FX [ENG-RUS]
    44. [Substance Academy] Getting Started with Substance Alchemist [ENG-RUS]
    45. [Levelup.Digital] Making Oil Paintings in Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    46. [Rohan Dalvi] Patterns and textures in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    47. [CGCircuit] Scratch to Substance Volume 1a [ENG-RUS]
    48. [Substance Academy] Stylized Materials with Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    49. [Substance Academy] Substance in Fashion Design [ENG-RUS]

    50. [CGCircuit] Scratch to Substance Volume 1b [ENG-RUS]
    51. [CGCircuit] Scratch to Substance Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    52. [Artstation Learning] Substance Designer: 10 Most Useful Nodes [ENG-RUS]
    53. [CGcircuit] Scratch to Substance Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]
    54. [CGcircuit] Scratch to Substance Volume 4 [ENG-RUS]
    55. [Gumroad] Creating Ornate Tiles Material in Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]

    56. [The Gnomon Workshop] Lighting & Look Dev Essentials Vol 2: Shading & Texturing [ENG-RUS]
    57. [Gumroad] REALISTIC Creature Texturing Painting Tutorial Using Mari – By Zak Boxall [ENG-RUS]
    58. [FlippedNormals] Material Creation for AAA Games [ENG-RUS]
    59. [The Gnomon Workshop] Procedural Shading Techniques For Houdini & Arnold [ENG-RUS]
    60. [Gumroad] Handpaint Complete Guide [ENG-RUS]

    Текстурирование и Шейдинг. Текстурирование персонажей

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Digital Tutors] Texturing a Photorealistic Human Using ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    2. [3DMotive] Stylized Creature Texturing Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    3. [3DMotive] Stylized Creature Texturing Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    4. [3DMotive] Stylized Creature Texturing Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]
    5. [The Gnomon Workshop] Painting Realistic Skin in Mari 2.0 [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Digital Tutors] Creating Animal Fur for Games in Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    7. [3DMotive] Polypainting in ZBrush Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    8. [3DMotive] Polypainting in ZBrush Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    9. [3DMotive] Polypainting in ZBrush Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Gumroad] Painting a Realistic Skin Texture using Mari [ENG-RUS]
    11. [Pluralsight] Stylized Texturing in Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Pluralsight] Texturing a Game Character in Substance Painter and Designer [ENG-RUS]
    13. [Gumroad] Hand Painting Fur in 3D Coat [ENG-RUS]
    14. [Pluralsight] Texturing Game Characters in Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    15. [Gumroad] Look Dev Realistic Skin for Characters [ENG-RUS]

    16. [Gumroad] Texturing In Blender For Beginners [ENG-RUS]
    17. [Gumroad] Texturing Realistic Skin for Characters [ENG-RUS]
    18. [CG Master Academy] Character Texturing for Games in Substance [ENG-RUS]

    19. [Pluralsight] Texturing Enemy Creatures for Games in Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    20. [FlippedNormals] Texturing Characters for Games [ENG-RUS]
    21. [The Gnomon Workshop] Photorealistic character Look dev in Maya & Arnold [ENG-RUS]
    22. [FlippedNormals] Character Face Texturing in Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    23. [Gumroad] Texturing And Shading Realistic Skin In Maya Mari And Zbrush [ENG-RUS]
    24. [CGcircuit] Realistic Face with Zbrush and Mari [ENG-RUS]

    Текстурирование и Шейдинг. Текстурирование окружения

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Digital Tutors] Painting Textures for Terrain in MARI [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Digital Tutors] Texturing a Stylized Game Environment in Photoshop [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Udemy] Advanced Environment Texturing Methods in Photoshop [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Rogelio Olguin] Substance designer with Rogelio Olguin [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Digital Tutors] Creating a Tileable Material in Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    6. [The Gnomon Workshop] Substance Designer Texture Creation [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Joshua Lynch] Herringbone Bricks: Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Joshua Lynch] Herringbone Bricks: Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Joshua Lynch] Herringbone Bricks: Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Allegorithmic] Substance Designer 5.4 features and creating a wood material [ENG-RUS]
    11. [Pluralsight] Realistic Texturing of Modular Structures in Substance Painter 2 [ENG-RUS]
    12. [The Gnomon Workshop] Texturing Environments with Mari [ENG-RUS]
    13. [3D Motive] Intro to Megascans [ENG-RUS]
    14. [Pluralsight] Game Environment Texturing Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]

    15. [CGMA 3D] Intro to Substance for Environment Art [ENG-RUS]
    16. [Pluralsight] Creating Game Environment Textures with Substance Suite [ENG-RUS]
    17. [Rohan Dalvi] Procedural Texturing and Baking in Houdini Part 1 [ENG-RUS]

    18. [Rohan Dalvi] Procedural Texturing and Baking in Houdini Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    19. [CGMA 3D] Texturing and Shading for Games [ENG-RUS]
    20. [Gumroad] Creating Sand with Substance Designer with Josh Lynch [ENG-RUS]
    21. [Levelup.Digital] Mosaic Creation Techniques with Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]

    22. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Believable Stone Walls in Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    23. [Levelup.Digital] Creating Roof Tiles in Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    24. [Levelup.Digital] Creating Foliage in Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]

    25. [Levelup.Digital] Plaster Wall with Parameter-driven Bullet Holes [ENG-RUS]
    26. [Levelup.Digital] Essential Rock Creation Techniques [ENG-RUS]
    27. [Levelup.Digital] Creating an Aged Wood Texture in Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    28. [Gumroad] Tree Bark Creation [ENG-RUS]
    29. [Gumroad] Jungle Mud [ENG-RUS]

    30. [Substance Academy] Tree Bark with Nikola Damjanov [ENG-RUS]
    31. [Levelup.Digital] Creating a Fantasy Trim Texture [ENG-RUS]
    32. [Gumroad] Melting Snow [ENG-RUS]
    33. [Substance Academy] Using Substance in Architecture Visualizations [ENG-RUS]
    34. [Exp-Points] Creating Fabric Materials in Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    35. [FastTrack Tutorials] Ultimate Environmental Texture Creation Course [ENG-RUS]
    36. [Break Your Crayons] Houdini - QUIXEL megascans workflow Rendered with Redshift [ENG-RUS]
    37. [The Gnomon Workshop] Getting Started With Look Development in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    38. [FlippedNormals] Creating Custom Decals for Games [ENG-RUS]
    39. [Artstation Learning] Creating a Modular Sci-Fi Environment Using Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    40. [FlippedNormals] Trim Sheets for Game Artists [ENG-RUS]

    Текстурирование и Шейдинг. Текстурирование роботов и техники

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Digital Tutors] Texturing Sci-Fi Game Assets in Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Pluralsight] Creating Hand Painted Textures in Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Gumroad] MM44 Mech Hard Surface Texturing with Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    4. [The Gnomon Workshop] Vehicle Texturing in Substance Painter: From Clean to Mean [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Gumroad] Texturing Tutorial in Mari and Substance Designer - For Production By Zak Boxall [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Udemy] Intro to Substance Painter - Creating Materials [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Udemy] Create Color IDs in Maya for use in Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Levelup.Digital] Creating a Military Radio in Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Udemy] Substance Painter for Beginners - creating normal maps [ENG-RUS]

    Текстурирование и Шейдинг. Текстурирование оружия и пропов

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Digital Tutors] Texturing Low Polygon Weapons in Photoshop [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Gumroad] Hand Painting a Sci-Fi Rifle [ENG-RUS]
    3. [3DMotive] Substance Designer Workflow Volume 1-2 [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Gumroad] Blade Tutorial Extended Edition [ENG-RUS]
    5. [CGCookie] Texturing Weapons in Blender and Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Gumroad] Wastelander - Texture Breakdown in Substance Painter [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Pluralsight] Game Weapon Texturing Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Skillshare] Maya for Beginners Part 2: Texturing [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Levelup.Digital] Creating a Royal Crown in Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    Последнее редактирование: 12/4/24
  6. Antonio

    Antonio Администратор

    Язык №1:
    Освещение и Рендеринг. Освещение

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Viscorbel] Vray Studio Lighting - Premium [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Digital Tutors] Introduction to Lighting in Maya 2015 [ENG-RUS]
    3. [The Gnomon Workshop] Efficient Cinematic Lighting [ENG-RUS]
    4. [The Gnomon Workshop] Efficient Cinematic Lighting 2 [ENG-RUS]
    5. [CGWorkshops] Look Development and Image Based Lighting Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Grant Warwick] Mastering Lighting Lessons 1-4 [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Grant Warwick] Mastering Lighting Lessons 5 Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Grant Warwick] Mastering Lighting Lessons 5 Part 2-3 [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Digital Tutors] Creating Cinematic Underwater Lighting in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    10. [FXPHD] Lighting & Rendering Destruction FX in Houdini & Nuke [ENG]

    11. [Gumroad] ZBrush 2018 Image Based Lighting [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Creative shrimp] Realistic Lighting in Blender [ENG-RUS]

    13. [Creative shrimp] HDR Image-Based Lighting in Blender [ENG-RUS]
    14. [Helloluxx] Houdini Jumpstart Vol 08: Intro to Lighting & Rendering [ENG-RUS]

    15. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Lighting for Animation [ENG-RUS]
    16. [The Gnomon Workshop] Lighting & Look Dev Essentials Vol. 1: Lighting Theory [ENG-RUS]
    17. [CGCookie] Fundamentals of Digital Lighting in Blender [ENG-RUS]
    18. [CG Fast Track] The Art of Lighting in Blender [ENG-RUS]
    19. [Creative Shrimp] Cinematic lighting in Blender [ENG-RUS]
    20. [Grant Warwick] Mastering Lighting Lesson 6 [ENG-RUS]
    21. [Artstation] Ultimate Lighting Course - In-Depth Tutorial [ENG-RUS]
    22. [FlippedNormals] Cinematic Lighting in Maya [ENG-RUS]

    Освещение и Рендеринг. VRay

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Lynda] V-Ray 3.0 for 3ds Max Essential Training [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Grant Warwick] Mastering Vray Part 1-11 [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Grant Warwick] Mastering Vray Part 12 [ENG-RUS]
    4. [ChaosGroup] Introducing VRay for MODO [ENG-RUS]
    5. [LearnVray] 5-Step Render Workflow (5SRW) [ENG-RUS]
    6. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to V-Ray [ENG-RUS]
    7. [MographPlus] The Ultimate Introduction to V-Ray for 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]
    8. [MographPlus] V-Ray 5 Masterclass: Your Complete Guide to V-Ray for 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]
    9. [CGcircuit] Introduction to Vray in Houdini [ENG-RUS]

    Освещение и Рендеринг. Arnold

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Pluralsight] Introduction to Arnold for Maya [ENG-RUS]
    2. [cmiVFX] Arnold for Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    3. [CGcircuit] Volume rendering using houdini and arnold [ENG-RUS]
    4. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Arnold [ENG-RUS]
    5. [MographPlus] Comprehensive Introduction to Arnold 5 for Maya [ENG-RUS]
    6. [FlippedNormals] Introduction to Arnold [ENG-RUS]
    7. [MographPlus] The Ultimate Introduction to Arnold 6 for Cinema 4D Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    8. [MographPlus] The Ultimate Introduction to Arnold 6 for Cinema 4D Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Rebelway] Advanced shading & rendering using Arnold & Houdini [ENG-RUS]

    Освещение и Рендеринг. Keyshot и Corona

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [3Dmotive] Intro to Keyshot [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Gumroad] Keyshot Passes and Photoshop Composite [ENG-RUS]
    3. [MographPlus] Comprehensive Introduction to Corona for 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]

    Освещение и Рендеринг. Redshift и RenderMan

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Lynda] Pixar RenderMan Essential Training [ENG-RUS]
    2. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Redshift for Maya [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Greyscalegorilla] Guide to Redshift [ENG-RUS]

    4. [Helloluxx] learn Redshift for Cinema 4D: V01 [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Helloluxx] learn Redshift for Cinema 4D: V02 [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Rohan Dalvi] Rocket Bus Redshift [ENG-RUS]
    7. [MIX Training] Shading with Redshift [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Rebelway] Ocean rendering using Redshift [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Artstation Learning] Hardsurface Rendering in Redshift [ENG-RUS]

    Освещение и Рендеринг. Octane и Mantra

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Rohan Dalvi] Volumetric rendering [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Rohan Dalvi] Volumetric rendering in mantra [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Rohan Dalvi] Rocket Bus Mantra [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Rebelway] Karma Rendering in Houdini 19 (Demystifying Render Settings) [ENG-RUS]
    5. [SideFX] Karma in Houdini 19 - A beautiful game [ENG-RUS]

    Освещение и Рендеринг. Разное

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Gumroad] Zbrush BPR RENDERING package [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Artstation Masterclasses] Render and Presentation Techniques [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Sidefx] Shading Theory with Karma [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Gumroad] Creating Portfolio Renders in Marmoset [ENG-RUS]
    5. [CG Forge] Shading Techniques I [ENG-RUS]
    6. [CG Forge] Shading Techniques II [ENG-RUS]
    7. [CG Forge] Shading Techniques III [ENG-RUS]
    8. [FlippedNormals] Complete Guide to Marmoset Toolbag 4 [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Udemy] Learn Blender Compositor! [ENG-RUS]
    10. [FXPHD] Rendering Foundations for Houdini and Karma [ENG-RUS]
    Последнее редактирование: 1/3/24
  7. Antonio

    Antonio Администратор

    Язык №1:
    Риггинг и Скининг. Знакомство с риггингом

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [CGcircuit] Rigging 101 Volume 1-4 [ENG-RUS]
    2. [CGcircuit] Rigging 101 Volume 5 Joints and IK Handles [ENG-RUS]
    3. [3DMotive] Intro to Blendshapes in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    4. [CGcircuit] The Base Skeleton [ENG-RUS]
    5. [cmiVFX] Houdini Rigging Animation Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    6. [SideFX] Houdini 16 Autorig Tools [ENG-RUS]
    7. [CGCircuit] Rigging Productivity Boost [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Skillshare] Maya for Beginners Part 3: Rigging [ENG-RUS]
    9. [SideFX] Houdini Blend Shapes: Optimization Tips & Tricks [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Udemy] Introduction to Rigging in Maya 2022 [ENG-RUS]
    11. [CGCookie] Learn How to Rig Anything in Blender - Fundamentals of Rigging [ENG-RUS]
    12. [CGcircuit] Rigging Techniques Cartoon to Realistic Part 1 [ENG-RUS]

    13. [CGcircuit] Rigging Techniques Cartoon to Realistic Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    14. [CGcircuit] Rigging Techniques Cartoon to Realistic Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    15. [SideFX] Vector Essentials For Character Rigging [ENG-RUS]

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [сmiVFX] Creature Creators Handbook Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    2. [сmiVFX] Creature Creators Handbook Volume 2 Part A-B [ENG-RUS]
    3. [сmiVFX] Creature Creators Handbook Volume 2 Part C [ENG-RUS]
    4. [сmiVFX] Creature Creators Handbook Volume 2 Part D [ENG-RUS]
    5. [сmiVFX] Creature Creators Handbook Volume 2 Part E [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Digital Tutors] Quick Start to Rigging in Maya: Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Digital Tutors] Quick Start to Rigging in Maya: Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    8. [The Gnomon Workshop] Character Rigging [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Autodesk Learning Channel] Rigging and Animating a DOTA 2 Courier [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Pluralsight] Exploring Human Muscles Setup in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    11. [Digital Tutors] Advanced Character Rigging in 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Pluralsight] Introduction to Rigging in Maya 2017 [ENG-RUS]
    13. [CGcircuit] Character Rigging Production Techniques [ENG-RUS]
    14. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creature Rigging for Production [ENG-RUS]
    15. [Digital Tutors] Advanced Character Rigging in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    16. [Pluralsight] Game Character Rigging Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    17. [Udemy] Rigging 101 for Videogames Maya 2018 [ENG-RUS]
    18. [Udemy] Fast animation and rigging techniques using Maya 2017 [ENG-RUS]
    19. [Sidefx] Houdini 16 Rigging Part 1-7 [ENG-RUS]
    20. [Gumroad] The art of effective rigging in Blender [ENG-RUS]
    21. [Stefan Ehrenhaus] Breast rigging with nCloth [ENG-RUS]
    22. [CG Master Academy] Rigging for Games [ENG-RUS]
    23. [Side FX] Spacegirl Rigging [ENG-RUS]
    24. [Sidefx] Houdini 17 Rigging Series 2 [ENG-RUS]
    24. [Udemy] Rigging A Character For Animation In Unreal Engine 4 [ENG-RUS]
    25. [SideFX] Introducing KineFX Houdini 18.5 HIVE [ENG-RUS]
    26. [The Gnomon Workshop] Character Rigging in Maya for Game Production [ENG-RUS]
    27. [Sidefx] Objects Rigs to KineFX and Back Again [ENG-RUS]
    28. [lynda] Maya: Character Rigging [ENG-RUS]
    29. [The Gnomon Workshop] Master Rigging & Python Scripting in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    30. [CGcircuit] Rigging in Houdini Kinefx VOL 1 [ENG-RUS]
    31. [CGcircuit] Rigging in Houdini Kinefx VOL 2 [ENG-RUS]
    32. [antCGi Ltd] Rigging in Maya: Fundamentals Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    33. [SideFx] Rigging Techniques [ENG-RUS]

    Риггинг и Скининг. Риггинг животных

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [3DMotive] Quadruped Rigging in Maya Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    2. [3DMotive] Quadruped Rigging in Maya Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    3. [3DMotive] Quadruped Rigging in Maya Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]
    4. [3DMotive] Quadruped Rigging in Maya Volume 4 [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Digital Tutors] Rigging Quadrupeds in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    6. [SideFX] Houdini 16 Muscles Overview [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Side FX] Horse Rig [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Side FX] Cat Quad-Rigging [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Uartsy] Rigging Fundamentals in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Pluralsight] Creature Rigging for Games [ENG-RUS]

    Риггинг и Скининг. Риггинг механизмов

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Paul Neale] Mechanical Rigging in 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]
    2. [CGcookie] Rigging a Transforming Rifle in Blender 2.8 [ENG-RUS]
    3. [cmiVFX] Houdini Craft Rigging and Animation Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    4. [cmiVFX] Houdini Craft Rigging and Animation Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Creative Shrimp] Hard Surface Rigging In Blender [ENG-RUS]
    6. [cmiVFX] Houdini Craft Rigging and Animation Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Hossamfx] Craft Houdini FX Tools VOL 1: Cars [ENG-RUS]
    8. [CGMA] Mechanical Rigging Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    9. [CGMA] Mechanical Rigging Part 2 [ENG-RUS]

    Риггинг и Скининг. Лицевой риггинг

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Gumroad] Expressive Facial Rigging [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Digital Tutors] Designing Controls with Deformation Feedback in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Digital Tutors] Joint-Based Facial Rigging in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    4. [CG Workshops] Character Facial Rigging [Eng-Rus]
    5. [CG Workshops] Character Facial Rigging for Production [ENG-RUS]
    6. [VFX learning] Advanced Facial Rig in Maya 2018 [ENG-RUS]
    7. [antCGi Ltd] Face Rigging in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Flippednormals] Face Rigging in Blender [ENG-RUS]
    9. [lynda] Maya: Facial Rigging [ENG-RUS]
    10. [CGcircuit] Face Rigging Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    11. [CGcircuit] Face Rigging Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    12. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Creating Facial Blendshapes in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    13. [FlippedNormals] Face Rigging for Beginners [ENG-RUS]
    14. [Pluralsight] Maya Facial Rigging Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    15. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Stylized Facial Rigs for Production in Maya [ENG-RUS]

    Риггинг и Скининг. Скиннинг

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [CGcircuit] Biped Skinning [ENG-RUS]
    2. [CGcircuit] Skinning Essential Training [ENG-RUS]
    3. [CGcircuit] Skinning with nCloth Part I [ENG-RUS]
    4. [CGcircuit] Skinning with nCloth Part II [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Pluralsight] Techniques for Effective Character Skinning in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Ziva Dynamics] Intro to Ziva VFX [ENG-RUS]
    Последнее редактирование: 31/1/24
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  8. Antonio

    Antonio Администратор

    Язык №1:
    Анимация и Захват движения. Теория и основы анимации

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:

    1. [Digital Tutors] Introduction to Animation in 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Digital Tutors] Quick Start to Animation in Maya: Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Digital Tutors] Quick Start to Animation in Maya: Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Digital Tutors] Quick Start to Animation in Maya: Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Digital Tutors] Quick Start to Animation in CINEMA 4D: Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Digital Tutors] Quick Start to Animation in CINEMA 4D: Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Digital Tutors] Quick Start to Animation in CINEMA 4D: Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Udemy] Become a Professional Character Animator [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Udemy] 3D Animation Basics To Full Body and Creature Mechanics [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Pluralsight] Maya 2018 Animation Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    11. [Lynda] Maya: Time Editor [ENG-RUS]

    12. [Lynda] 12 Principles of Animation for CG Animators [ENG-RUS]
    13. [cmiVFX] Houdini Animation Principles [ENG-RUS]
    14. [Digital Tutors] Exploring Animation Principles in Maya: Animating with Props [ENG-RUS]
    15. [Pluralsight] 12 Principles of Animation in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    16. [Pluralsight] Animation Tips in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    17. [Lynda] Animating in 3ds Max: Constraints, Controllers, and Wire Parameters [ENG-RUS]
    18. [Lynda] Animation Pipeline Production [ENG-RUS]
    19. [Gumroad] Alive! Animation Course in Blender Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    20. [Skillshare] Maya for Beginners Part 4: Animation [ENG-RUS]
    21. [Bloop animation] Blender Animation Course by Dillon Gu [ENG-RUS]
    22. [Gumroad] Alive! Animation Course in Blender Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    23. [Gumroad] Alive! Animation Course in Blender Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    24. [SideFX] KineFX for Games Houdini 18.5 HIVE [ENG-RUS]
    25. [Gumroad] Alive! Animation Course in Blender Part 4 [ENG-RUS]
    26. [Udemy] Introduction to Animation in Maya 2022 [ENG-RUS]
    27. [Canimando] 3d Animation - 0 To Pro: Create Credible & Unique Animations [ENG-RUS]

    28. [Udemy] Learn Animation with Blender [ENG-RUS]
    29. [Animawarriors] The Essence of 3d Animation [ENG-RUS]
    30. [Animation Mentor] Animation Basics [ENG-RUS]
    31. [CGBoost Academy] Cubic Worlds Create Stunning Low Poly Animations in Blender Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    32. [SkillShare] Animating Weight in Autodesk Maya [ENG-RUS]
    [SkillShare] Dynamic Posing for 3D Animation in Autodesk Maya [ENG-RUS]
    33. [CGBoost Academy] Cubic Worlds Create Stunning Low Poly Animations in Blender Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    34. [CGBoost Academy] Cubic Worlds Create Stunning Low Poly Animations in Blender Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    35. [FXPHD] Principles of Animation [ENG-RUS]

    Анимация и Захват движения. Анимация гуманоидальных персонажей

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Eat3D] Animating with Maya for Games and More [ENG-RUS]
    2. [The Gnomon Workshop] Combat Animation for Games [ENG-RUS]
    3. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Game Ready Animations for Production [ENG-RUS]
    4. [CG Workshops] Body Mechanics [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Digital Tutors] Exploring Animation in Maya: Climbing A Wall [ENG-RUS]
    6. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating First Person Shooter Animations for Games [ENG-RUS]
    7. [AnimSquad] Master Class: Disney's Zach Parrish & Brent Homman [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Digital Tutors] Animating Advanced Body Mechanics in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Lynda] Creating a Finished Character Animation in Blender 2.9 [ENG-RUS]
    10. [The Gnomon Workshop] Character Animation and Video Reference [ENG-RUS]

    11. [Yiihuu] The Dwarf Warrior II: from rigging to animation and engine [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Skillshare] Maya for Beginners Part 5: Bonus - Animation Demonstration [ENG-RUS]
    13. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating a Combat Finishing Takedown With Patrick Przybyla [ENG-RUS]
    14. [The Gnomon Workshop] Maya Customization for Faster Animation With Ari Flesch [ENG-RUS]
    15. [SideFX] Character Animation in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    16. [Udemy] Maya for Beginners: Complete 3D Animation Fundamentals [ENG-RUS]
    17. [Pluralsight] Animating a Walk Cycle in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    18. [Gumroad] Character Simulation [ENG-RUS]
    19. [Animation Mentor] Body Mechanics [ENG-RUS]
    20. [Animation Mentor] Advanced Body Mechanics [ENG-RUS]
    21. [Sidefx] Project Titan VAT Characters [ENG-RUS]
    22. [Udemy] Animate an Anime Inspired Run Animation in Maya [ENG-RUS]

    23. [Udemy] Learn iClone 7 | Character Creator | Unreal Engine Pipeline [ENG-RUS]
    22. [FXPHD] Body Mechanics and Shot Building Fundamentals Part 1 [ENG-RUS]

    23. [FXPHD] Body Mechanics and Shot Building Fundamentals Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    24. [CGcookie] Animating First Person Character Weapons in Blender [ENG-RUS]
    25. [The Gnomon Workshop] Animating Body Mechanics in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    26. [Udemy] Animate a Professional Looking Walk in Autodesk Maya [ENG-RUS]

    Анимация и Захват движения. Анимация животных

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Digital Tutors] Animating Quadrupeds in 3ds Max [Eng-Rus]
    2. [Digital Tutors] Animating Quadrupeds in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Digital Tutors] Introduction to Animation in Maya 2015 [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Digital Tutors] Creating Animal Animations in Maya 2016 [ENG-RUS]
    5. [3DMotive] Quadruped Run Cycle in Maya [ENG-RUS]

    6. [Mackley Studios] Autodesk Maya Mythical Creature Animation [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Digital Tutors] Creating Procedural Animation for an Insect in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    8. [The Gnomon Workshop] Animating Creature Walk Cycles in Maya [ENG-RUS]

    Анимация и Захват движения. Лицевая анимация и Актёрская игра

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Digital Tutors] Facial Animation in Maya [Eng-Rus]
    2. [Digital Tutors] Animating a Dialogue Scene in Maya [Eng-Rus]
    3. [Digital Tutors] The Anatomy of an Expression for Facial Animation in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    4. [The Gnomon Workshop] Performance & Acting Creating Believable Characters [ENG-RUS]
    5. [AnimationMentor] Advanced Acting [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Udemy] Facial Animation & More In Unreal Engine 4 [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Pluralsight] Expressive Face and Hand Hybrid Animation [ENG-RUS]
    8. [The Gnomon Workshop] Facial Animation for Feature Animated Films [ENG-RUS]
    9. [CGcookie] Demystifying Lip Sync Animation [ENG-RUS]
    10. [CGcookie] Acting for Animators [ENG-RUS]
    11. [Animation Mentor] Introduction to Acting [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Animation Mentor] Feature Animation Acting & Polish [ENG-RUS]

    Анимация и Захват движения. Превизуализация и Работа с камерой

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Digital Tutors] Introduction to Camera Animation in 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]
    2. [The Gnomon Workshop] Camera Fundamentals for Layout [ENG-RUS]
    3. [The Gnomon Workshop] Pre-visualisation for film [ENG-RUS]
    4. [CGcookie] Directing The Camera in Blender [ENG-RUS]
    5. [The Gnomon Workshop] From Previs to Final Animation [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Rebelway] CG Cinematography 101 [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Artstation] Animate a 2D Background in 3D using camera projection [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Digital Tutors] Creating a Narrative Previs Concept in Maya and After Effects [ENG-RUS]

    Анимация и Захват движения. Анимация для профессиональных сфер

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:

    1. [Lynda] Maya: Fundamentals of Medical Animations [ENG-RUS]

    Анимация и Захват движения. Процедурная анимация

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [cmiVFX] Houdini Procedural Animation Techniques [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Hossamfx] Intro To CHOPs In Houdini FX [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Lynda] Houdini: Advanced Motion Graphics [ENG-RUS]

    Анимация и Захват движения. Захват движения

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Digital Tutors] Introduction to MotionBuilder [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Pluralsight] Creating Custom Facial Motion Capture in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Pluralsight] Rigging Human IK Characters for Mocap in Maya and Motion Builder [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Digital Tutors] Blending Between Keyframe Animation and MoCap in MotionBuilder and Maya [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Pluralsight] Adding Keyframe Animation to Motion Capture in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Skillshare] Character Animation: Animate with Motion Capture in Autodesk Maya [ENG-RUS]
    Последнее редактирование: 22/1/24
    Вутеранец нравится это.
  9. Antonio

    Antonio Администратор

    Язык №1:
    Динамика и Симуляция. Комплексные курсы

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Extras [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Module 01 [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Module 02 [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Module 03 [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Module 04 [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Module 05 [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Module 06 [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Module 07 [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Module 08 [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Module 09 [ENG-RUS]
    11. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Module 10 [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Module 11 [ENG-RUS]
    13. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Module 12 [ENG-RUS]
    14. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Module 13 [ENG-RUS]
    15. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Module 14 [ENG-RUS]
    16. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Module 15 [ENG-RUS]
    17. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Module 16 [ENG-RUS]

    18. [CGSociety] Fluids FX Using Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    19. [CGSociety] Introduction to FX using Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    20. [Rohan Dalvi] Houdini Rocket Ship [ENG-RUS]

    21. [Udemy] Houdini: Complete Visual Effects Creation Course [ENG-RUS]

    22. [Helloluxx] Houdini Jumpstart Vol 02: Copy/Stamping [ENG-RUS]
    23. [Helloluxx] Houdini Jumpstart Vol 07: Intro to VOPs [ENG-RUS]
    24. [Udemy] Houdini: Complete Visual Effects Creation Course Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    25. [Hossamfx] Tree Rigging For Feature Film [ENG-RUS]
    26. [Entagma] PBD: Dynamic Weave [ENG-RUS]
    27. [Entagma] TD fundamentals: parallel transport [ENG-RUS]
    28. [Entagma] Wire Solver and Constraint Networks in DOPs [ENG-RUS]
    29. [Entagma] Patreon Advanced CG Tutorials Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    30. [Entagma] Patreon Advanced CG Tutorials Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    31. [Entagma] Patreon Advanced CG Tutorials Part 4 [ENG-RUS]
    32. [CGcircuit] Abstract Visuals - Houdini and Redshift [ENG-RUS]
    33. [Rohan Dalvi] Rocket Bus [ENG-RUS]
    34. [VFX HIVE] How to create a total Sun in Houdini [ENG-RUS]

    35. [The VFX School] Houdini Renascence Program Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    36. [Mograph] Stop Being Afraid of Houdini Part 1 [ENG-RUS]

    37. [Rebelway] Introduction To Houdini For FX Artist Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    38. [Mograph] Stop Being Afraid of Houdini Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    39. [CGcircuit] L-systems & Instancing: Tyler Bay [ENG-RUS]
    40. [The VFX School] Houdini Renascence Program Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    41. [Mograph] Rigid Body Destruction [ENG-RUS]
    42. [Mograph] Stop Being Afraid of Houdini Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    43. [Rebelway] Introduction To Houdini For FX Artist Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    44. [Mograph] Stop Being Afraid of Houdini Part 4 [ENG-RUS]

    45. [Udemy] Maya Bootcamp - Projects Based Course [ENG-RUS]
    46. [Entagma] Patreon Advanced CG Tutorials Part 5 [ENG-RUS]
    47. [The VFX School] Houdini Renascence Program Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    48. [Gumroad] VFX Studio Oriented / Houdini FX Training [ENG-RUS]
    49. [Gumroad] Procedural Sci-Fi Cities [ENG-RUS]
    50. [The VFX School] Houdini Renascence Program Part 4 [ENG-RUS]
    51. [Rebelway] The art of magical FX [ENG-RUS]
    52. [The VFX School] Houdini Renascence Program Vol.2 Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    53. [CG Master Academy] Abstract FX in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    54. [The VFX School] Houdini Renascence Program Vol.2 Part 2 [ENG-RUS]

    55. [Gumroad] Elite Fallen (Add-On) [ENG-RUS]
    56. [Skillshare] Maya for Beginners Part 6: Dynamic FX [ENG-RUS]
    57. [Helloluxx] Houdini. In Bloom [ENG-RUS]
    58. [Rebelway] Introduction To Houdini For FX Artist Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    59. [CGMA] Introduction to FX using Houdini with Manuel Tausch Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    60. [Udemy] Complete Guide to Dynamic Paint in Blender 2.9 [ENG-RUS]

    61. [CGMA] Introduction to FX using Houdini with Manuel Tausch Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    62. [Side FX] SideFX Snacks. Part one [ENG-RUS]
    63. [Side FX] SideFX Snacks. Part two [ENG-RUS]
    64. [CGcircuit] Introduction to Retime [ENG-RUS]
    65. [The VFX School] Bridge Collapse [ENG-RUS]
    66. [Rebelway] Realtime FX for Games & Cinematics [ENG-RUS]

    67. [Side FX] The Dawning [ENG-RUS]
    68. [Rebelway] Advanced magical FX in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    69. [Gumroad] VFX Studio Oriented / Masters of The Sea [ENG-RUS]
    70. [Gumroad] Apocalypse: Inferno Complete Houdini Training Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    71. [Gumroad] Apocalypse: Inferno Complete Houdini Training Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    72. [Rebelway] Introduction to Houdini FX Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    73. [Rebelway] Introduction to Houdini FX Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    74. [Rebelway] Introduction to Houdini FX Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    75. [Rebelway] Introduction to Houdini FX Part 4 [ENG-RUS]
    76. [The Gnomon workshop] Create a Procedural Waterwheel Simulation in Houdini [ENG-RUS]

    Динамика и Симуляция. Система частиц

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Eat 3D] Thinking Particles Part 1 - A Comprehensive Introduction [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Eat 3D] Thinking Particles Part 2 - Intermediate Concepts [ENG-RUS]
    3. [CG Academy] Particle Flow Fundamentals 1 Principles and Workflow [ENG-RUS]
    4. [CG Academy] Particle Flow Fundamentals 2: Operators 1 [ENG-RUS]
    5. [CG Academy] Particle Flow Fundamentals 3: Operators 2 [ENG-RUS]
    6. [CG Academy] Particle Flow Fundamentals 4: Tests, Forces & Collisions [ENG-RUS]
    7. [CG Academy] Particle Flow Fundamentals 5: Practical Examples [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Module 04 [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Digital Tutors] Introduction to Particles in Houdini [ENG-RUS]

    10. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Particles I [ENG-RUS]
    11. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Particles II [ENG-RUS]

    12. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Particles III [ENG-RUS]
    13. [Lynda] Houdini: Particles [ENG-RUS]
    14. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Particles IV [ENG-RUS]

    15. [Helloluxx] Houdini Jumpstart Vol 04: Intro To Particles [ENG-RUS]
    16. [Pluralsight] Building Character FX Rigs in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    17. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Particles V [ENG-RUS]
    18. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Particles VI [ENG-RUS]
    19. [Lynda] X-Particles 4 for Cinema 4D Essential Training [ENG-RUS]
    20. [Entagma] Patreon Advanced CG Tutorials Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    21. [Learn Squared] Houdini Particles [ENG-RUS]
    22. [Side FX] Thanos Inspired Portal Effect [ENG-RUS]
    23. [Greyscalegorilla] Gorilla Guide to X-Particles Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    24. [Greyscalegorilla] Gorilla Guide to X-Particles Part 2 [ENG-RUS]

    25. [Greyscalegorilla] Gorilla Guide to X-Particles Part 3 [ENG-RUS]
    26. [FXPHD] Houdini FX Particle Fundamentals and Fuzzy Logic [ENG-RUS]
    27. [Udemy] Beginners Guide to the Particle System in Blender 2.8 [ENG-RUS]
    28. [Entagma] Guest Tutorial: Simon Fiedler - Controlling Swirly Particles [ENG-RUS]
    29. [Rohan Dalvi] Particles in houdini [ENG-RUS]
    30. [SideFX] Mushroom Spores Simulation Effect [ENG-RUS]
    31. [CGcircuit] Advanced Particles - Sci-fi Growth [ENG-RUS]

    Динамика и Симуляция. Динамика твёрдых и мягких тел

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Lynda] Creating Simulations in MassFX and 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]
    2. [3DMotive] Physics Pile In 3ds Max [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Digital Tutors] Introduction to Collisions in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    4. Animating the House [ENG-RUS]
    5. [FXPHD] Houdini Wire and Cloth Dynamics [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Digital Tutors] Animation Fundamentals: Animating a Ball Bounce [ENG-RUS]

    7. [Helloluxx] Houdini Jumpstart Vol 03: Intro to Rigid Body Dynamics [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Lynda] Houdini Dynamics and Simulation [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Side FX] Beginner Houdini Vellum: Noodles [ENG-RUS]
    10. [SideFx] Houdini 17 Masterclass RBD Tools Update [ENG-RUS]
    11. [Side FX] Vellum Worms [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Side FX] Houdini Tutorial: Vellum Bubble Inflation [ENG-RUS]
    13. [Side FX] Houdini 17 Masterclass: Advanced Vellum Workflows [ENG-RUS]
    14. [CGcircuit] Introduction to Vellum Grains in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    15. [CGcircuit] Abstract in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    16. [Diffuse FX] Houdini Tutorial: POP grains tearing effect [ENG-RUS]
    17. [The VFX School] Metal bending in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    18. [SideFX] Houdini 18 Masterclass: Vellum Constraint Features [ENG-RUS]
    19. [Udemy] Rigid Body Simulation Guide in Blender 2.8 [ENG-RUS]
    20. [Diffuse FX] FEM Tutorial [ENG-RUS]
    21. [Diffuse FX] Breaking Glue with Fields [ENG-RUS]
    22. [Udemy] Soft Body Physics Simulation Guide in Blender 2.9 [ENG-RUS]

    23. [Entagma] Guest Tutorial: Simon Fiedler – Mesh Based Bubble Deformer [ENG-RUS]
    24. [Gumroad] Houdini Tutorial: Microbes Fighting [ENG-RUS]
    25. [CGcircuit] Discovering Houdini Vellum 1 [ENG-RUS]
    26. [CGcircuit] Discovering Houdini Vellum 2 [ENG-RUS]
    27. [Sidefx] Project Titan Train Destruction FX [ENG-RUS]
    28. [CGcircuit] Discovering Houdini Vellum 3 [ENG-RUS]
    29. [Rebelway] Abstract FX in Houdini Using Karma in Houdini 19 [ENG-RUS]
    30. [Side FX] Vellum Cell Replication [ENG-RUS]
    31. [Pixel Front] An introduction to vellum grains, RBD & colliders In Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    32. [CGcircuit] Aggregation - Rigid body Self Assembly [ENG-RUS]
    33. [Gumroad] Houdini John Wick Cloth & Hair Paravellum [ENG-RUS]
    34. [CGcircuit] Abstract in Houdini Vol.2 [ENG-RUS]
    [B][B][B]35. [URL='[URL]https://perevodvsem.ru/threads/cgcircuit-discovering-houdini-vellum-4-eng-rus.12781/'][/URL][CGcircuit] Discovering Houdini Vellum 4 [ENG-RUS][/URL] [/B][/B][/B]

    Динамика и Симуляция. Симуляция волос и меха

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [cmiVFX] Houdini Fur Tools [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Pluralsight] Introduction to Hair and Fur in Houdini 15 [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Sidefx] Houdini 16.5 Masterclass Fur & Hair Grooming Toolset [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Gumroad] Xgen Hair for Characters [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Digital Tutors] Creating Dynamic Fur with XGen in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    6. [SideFX] Houdini 16 Hair And Fur [ENG-RUS]
    7. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating a Female Hairstyle for Production with Maya XGen [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Rohan Dalvi] Hairy Houdini [ENG-RUS]

    9. [Gumroad] Feather Tools For Houdini Indie [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Sidefx] Intoduction to Creature Fur [ENG-RUS]
    11. [Pixel Front] A Full Introduction To Grooming For VFX in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    12. [The Gnomon Workshop] Realistic Dog Grooming for Production with Xgen [ENG-RUS]
    13. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Creature Hair & Fur Grooms in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    14. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating a Stylized Groom in Maya and XGen With Bhavika Bajpai [ENG-RUS]
    15. [Gumroad] Peacock Spider Fur Grooming Tutorial in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    16. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creature Grooming Techniques in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    17. [CGcircuit] Grooming Lion Fur in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    18. [VFXGrace] Jaguar Grooming Workflow [ENG-RUS]
    19. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction To Grooming With Ornatrix In Maya [ENG-RUS]
    20. [Flippednormals] Creating Hair for Games in Blender [ENG-RUS]
    21. [The Gnomon Workshop] Grooming in Yeti: Hair Solutions for an Animation Pipeline [ENG-RUS]
    22. [Udemy] Intro to Hair and Fur in Houdini 19.5 [ENG-RUS]

    Динамика и Симуляция. Атмосферные эффекты

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Maya Fluid Effects Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    2. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Maya Fluid Effects Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Module 09 [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Module 15 [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Digital Tutors] Creating Cloudscape in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    6. [cmiVFX] Houdini Snow System Simulations [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Pixel Front] Create An Atmospheric Environment [ENG-RUS]
    8. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Volumetric Effects with Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    9. [SideFX] Houdini Clouds with VOPs [ENG-RUS]
    10. [VFXGrace] Realistic Dynamic Clouds in Houdini: Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    11. [VFXGrace] Realistic Dynamic Clouds in Houdini: Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    12. [maxdepth] Houdini Particles: Nebula Volume One [ENG-RUS]
    13. [Gumroad] Weather Effects in Blender [ENG-RUS]
    14. [maxdepth] Houdini Particles: Nebula Volume Two [ENG-RUS]

    15. [Rebelway] Creating Clouds in Houdini with Arnold [ENG-RUS]

    Динамика и Симуляция. Взрывы, огонь и дым

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to Maya Fluid Effects Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Digital Tutors] Simulating a Rocket Launch Sequence in 3ds Max and FumeFX [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Digital Tutors] Exploring Different Explosion Types in 3ds Max and FumeFX [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Digital Tutors] Exploring Different Smoke Types in 3ds Max and FumeFX [ENG-RUS]
    5. [CGSociety] Houdini PyroFx in Film Production [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Purdue Polytechnic VFX] Houdini Pyro FX Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Digital Tutors] Simulating a Flamethrower Effect in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Module 05 [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Module 06 [ENG-RUS]
    10. [The Gnomon Workshop] Advanced Visual Effects Techniques [ENG-RUS]
    11. [Allan McKay] FumeFX Essentials [ENG-RUS]
    12. [SideFX] Houdini 15 Masterclass Distributed Simulations [ENG-RUS]
    13. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Dynamics I [ENG-RUS]
    14. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Dynamics II [ENG-RUS]
    15. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Dynamics III [ENG-RUS]
    16. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Dynamics IV [ENG-RUS]
    17. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Dynamics V [ENG-RUS]
    18. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Dynamics VI [ENG-RUS]
    19. [FXPHD] Lighting & Rendering Explosions in Houdini & Nuke [ENG-RUS]

    20. [cmiVFX] Houdini Pyro and Cluster Simulations [ENG-RUS]
    21. [Helloluxx] Houdini Jumpstart Vol 06: Intro to Houdini Pyro Effects [ENG-RUS]
    22. [SideFx] Create Smoke with Pyro FX in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    23. [Side FX] Pyro 17 Trail [ENG-RUS]

    24. [SideFx] Cluster Pyro in Houdini 17 [ENG-RUS]
    25. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini - Volumes I [ENG-RUS]
    26. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini - Volumes II [ENG-RUS]
    27. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini - Volumes III [ENG-RUS]
    28. [CG Forge] Pyro I - Smoke & Steam [ENG-RUS]
    29. [CG Forge] Pyro II Flames & Sparse Pyro [ENG-RUS]
    30. [Rebelway] Mastering Pyro FX In Houdini Level 1 [ENG-RUS]
    31. [SideFx] Sexy Explosions in Houdini 18.5 [ENG-RUS]
    32. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Volumes IV version 2.0 [ENG-RUS]
    33. [Rebelway] Free Houdini Plugin: Using the Axiom Solver in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    34. [MAXDEPTH] Particle Advection with Houdini Pyro [ENG-RUS]
    35. [Entagma] Axiom Solver: Dissolving Logo [ENG-RUS]
    36. [Rebelway] Advanced Houdini FX - RISE [ENG-RUS]

    37. [Udemy] Mantaflow Fire & Smoke Simulation Guide in Blender [ENG-RUS]
    38. [Rebelway] Meteor in Houdini and Karma [ENG-RUS]
    39. [Rebelway] Webinar: Create Looping Realtime FX for Games [ENG-RUS]
    40. [Rebelway] Explosion FX In Houdini part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    41. [Rebelway] Explosion FX In Houdini part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    42. [Yiihuu] Independence Day - Production procedure of a movie VFX scene using Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    43. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Volumes V version 2.0 [ENG-RUS]
    44. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Volumes VI [ENG-RUS]
    45. [Rebelway] Creating Explosion FX in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    46. [Rebelway] Burning Paper Effect in Houdini 19 [ENG-RUS]
    47. [SideFx] Project Titan Smoke Tool [ENG-RUS]
    48. [Rebelway] One-Punch Man Impact in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    49. [VFXGrace] Volcanic Eruption | Pyro FX [ENG-RUS]
    50. [Rebelway] Fire and Smoke Ring Effect in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    51. [Rebelway] Explosion Rendering in Houdini Using Karma [ENG-RUS]
    52. [Rebelway] Flash Lightning Effect [ENG-RUS]
    53. [Rebelway] Space Capsule Fiery Re-Entry [ENG-RUS]

    54. [Rebelway] Fire Monster [ENG-RUS]
    55. [Rebelway] Smoke and Sparks [ENG-RUS]

    Динамика и Симуляция. Симуляция жидкости

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Digital Tutors] Introduction to Dynamic Oceans in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Digital Tutors] Creating a Dynamic Wet Map Shader in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    3. [cmiVFX] Houdini Advanced FLIP Fluid Systems [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Fxphd] Houdini Ocean Effects [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Digital Tutors] Introduction to Fluid Simulations in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Digital Tutors] Introduction to RealFlow 2014 [ENG-RUS]
    7. [SideFX] Houdini 15 Masterclass FLIP Workflow Enhancements [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Allan Mckay] FX Technical Director Transformation Module 14 [ENG-RUS]
    9. [SideFX] Houdini 16 Ocean Tools [ENG-RUS]
    10. [SideFX] Houdini 16 Flip Fluids [ENG-RUS]
    11. [Pluralsight] Houdini: Intermediate Ocean FX [ENG-RUS]

    12. [Helloluxx] Houdini Jumpstart Vol 05: Intro to Flip Fluid Simulations [ENG-RUS]
    13. [Side FX] Houdini 17 Masterclass: Whitewater System [ENG-RUS]
    14. [Entagma] Rayleigh Taylor Instability Using FLIP [ENG-RUS]

    15. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Liquids I [ENG-RUS]
    16. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Liquids II [ENG-RUS]
    17. [Diffuse FX] FLIP interface reactions [ENG-RUS]
    18. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to flip fluids in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    19. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Liquids III [ENG-RUS]
    20. [The VFX School] Tabletop Food Simulation | Vol 01 [ENG-RUS]
    21. [Mix Training] Understanding Fluid Solvers Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]

    22. [SideFx] Houdini Ocean Tools Quickstart in Houdini 18 [ENG-RUS]
    23. [Mix Training] Understanding Fluid Solvers Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    24. [VFXGrace] Realistic Waterfall [ENG-RUS]
    25. [Entagma] Mograph Liquids: Controlling FLIP Fluids Via Curve Forces [ENG-RUS]
    26. [Entagma] Bubbles Again: Simulating Soap Swirls Using FLIP [ENG-RUS]
    27. [SideFx] Magic Market - Waterfall [ENG-RUS]
    28. [Udemy] Mantaflow Fluid Simulation Guide in Blender [ENG-RUS]
    29. [Rebelway] Water FX in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    30. [VFXGrace] Advanced Tsunami Simulation [ENG-RUS]
    31. [The Gnomon Workshop] Introduction to the Houdini Ocean Toolset with Danny Barnhart [ENG-RUS]
    32. [Diffuse FX] FLIP Fracture Tutorial [ENG-RUS]

    33. [Rebelway] Water & Ocean Rendering Using Houdini 19 and Karma [ENG-RUS]
    34. [CGcircuit] Total Destruction: Volume 5 - Water and Snow [ENG-RUS]
    35. [Rebelway] Webinar: Advanced Water FX in HOUDINI [ENG-RUS]
    36. [Rebelway] Advanced water FX in HOUDINI Part 1 [ENG-RUS]
    37. [Rebelway] Advanced water FX in HOUDINI Part 2 [ENG-RUS]
    38. [Entagma] Houdini 19 Tutorial - Melting Things using FLIP [ENG-RUS]
    39. [SideFx] Houdini Flip Fluids Suction Effect Tutorial [ENG-RUS]
    40. [Side FX] Procedural melting [ENG-RUS]
    41. [SideFX] White Water Simulation in Houdini 19 [ENG-RUS]

    42. [CGcircuit] Houdini Essentials: Large Scale Fluids [ENG-RUS]
    43. [Rebelway] Advanced water FX in HOUDINI Part 3 [ENG-RUS]

    Динамика и Симуляция. Симуляция толпы

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Digital Tutors] Crowds in Houdini 15 [ENG-RUS]
    2. [SideFX] Houdini 15 Masterclass Crowds [ENG-RUS]

    3. [CGcircuit] Crowds for Feature Film in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    4. [CGcircuit] Crowds for Feature Film in Houdini 2 [ENG-RUS]

    5. [FXPHD] Introduction to Golaem Crowd [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Sidefx] Crowd Basics [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Sidefx] Introduction to Crowds [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Sidefx] Crowd Workshop [ENG-RUS]
    9. [SideFX] Be in Control - Crowds and KineFX [ENG-RUS]
    10. [The VFX School] Alien troop attack, crowds and ragdolls [ENG-RUS]
    11. [CGcircuit] Crowds for Feature Film in Houdini 3 [ENG-RUS]
    12. [SideFx] Intro to Crowds 18 [ENG-RUS]
    13. [SideFX] Zombies For Everyone - Quick Intro To Crowds [ENG-RUS]

    Динамика и Симуляция. Разрушение и деформация

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:

    1. [Digital Tutors] Creating a Car Crash in Maya [ENG-RUS]
    2. The HOUSE FX [ENG-RUS]
    3. [cmiVFX] Houdini Particle Morphing Effects [ENG-RUS]
    4. [cmiVFX] Houdini Debris Systems [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Digital Tutors] Controlling Your Fractures in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    6. [cmiVFX] Houdini Transformium [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Digital Tutors] Disintegration, Teleportation and Reintegration Effects in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    8. [FXPHD] Creating Dynamic Destruction FX in Houdini, Maya, & Nuke [ENG]
    9. [Digital Tutors] Voronoi Dynamic Fracturing in Houdini [ENG]
    10. [CGSociety] Destruction in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    11. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Rigids I [ENG-RUS]
    12. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Rigids II [ENG-RUS]
    13. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Rigids III [ENG-RUS]
    14. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Rigids IV [ENG-RUS]
    15. [CGSociety] Abstract Effects in Houdini [ENG-RUS]

    16. [Pluralsight] Architectural Destruction in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    17. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Rigids V [ENG-RUS]
    18. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Rigids VI [ENG-RUS]
    19. [Digital Tutors] Image-based Rigid Body Destruction in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    20. [CGMA] Mastering Destruction in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    21. [CGcircuit] Houdini Live Action Volume 1: Wall Destruction [ENG-RUS]
    22. [CGcircuit] Disintegration Effect I - The Head [ENG-RUS]
    23. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Rigids I version 2.0 [ENG-RUS]
    24. [CGMA] Organic Design in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    25. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Rigids II version 2.0 [ENG-RUS]
    26. [SideFx] Staggered Fracture [ENG-RUS]
    27. [Lost Boys Learning] Introduction to Material Based Destruction in Houdini 18 [ENG-RUS]
    28. [CGcircuit] Disintegration Effect II - The Skull [ENG-RUS]
    29. [CGcircuit] Total Destruction: Volume 1 Fracturing [ENG-RUS]
    30. [CGcircuit] Total Destruction: Volume 2 RBD Simulations [ENG-RUS]
    31. [CGcircuit] Total Destruction: Volume 3 Particles [ENG-RUS]
    32. [SideFx] Smashing Wine Glass [ENG-RUS]
    33. [CGcircuit] Houdini Crack Effect [ENG-RUS]
    34. [Rebelway] Mastering Destruction And FX In Houdini [ENG-RUS]

    35. [Diffuse FX] Dynamic Fracturing Tutorial [ENG-RUS]
    36. [CGcircuit] Total Destruction: Volume 4 Sparse Pyro [ENG-RUS]
    37. [CGcircuit] Discovering Houdini VOP [ENG-RUS]
    38. [CGcircuit] Applied Houdini Rigids III version 2.0 [ENG-RUS]
    39. [FXPHD] Realistic Destruction Workflows [ENG-RUS]
    40. [Rebelway] Star Destroyer Ice Destruction | Advanced Star Wars Houdini Tutorial [ENG-RUS]
    41. [CGcircuit] VDB Fracturing in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    42. [The Gnomon Workshop] Controlled Building Demolition FX in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    43. [SideFx] Shattering Windows with Houdini's RBD Solver [ENG-RUS]
    44. [CGMA] Houdini Production Studio: Destruction FX Part 1 [ENG-RUS]

    Динамика и Симуляция. Симуляция песка и пыли

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:

    1. [cmiVFX] Houdini Sand Solver [ENG-RUS]
    2. [SideFX] Houdini 15 Masterclass Grains [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Pluralsight] Exploring Houdini's SOP Solver [ENG-RUS]

    4. [Side FX] Beginner Houdini Vellum: Rainbow Grains[ENG-RUS]

    5. [SideFx] Sand Tutorial Grains Solver [ENG-RUS]
    6. [CGcircuit] Ground Breaking Interaction [ENG-RUS]

    Динамика и Симуляция. Симуляция ткани

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:

    1. [cmiVFX] Houdini Cloth Techniques [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Side FX] Houdini 17 Masterclass: Vellum Drape [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Side FX] Houdini 17: Vellum Cloth Workflows [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Side FX] Character FX & Cloth in Houdini 17 [ENG-RUS]
    5. [CGcircuit] Houdini Cloth in Production [ENG-RUS]
    6. [CGcircuit] PBD Cloth Tearing in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Udemy] The Cloth Simulation Guide in Blender 2.8 [ENG-RUS]
    8. [Entagma] Tying A Ribbon Knot in Vellum + Art Directing Wrinkles in Houdini 19 [ENG-RUS]
    9. [CGcircuit] Sand Bag Tearing in Houdini 19 [ENG-RUS]
    10. [SideFx] Project Titan Cloth Tool [ENG-RUS]
    11. [Houdini.School] Art Directing Cloth in Houdini [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Side FX] Vellum Carpet| Redshift [ENG-RUS]
    13. [Udemy] Blender: Cloth Physics and simulations [ENG-RUS]
    Последнее редактирование: 24/3/24
  10. Antonio

    Antonio Администратор

    Язык №1:
    3D Печать и сканирование. Фотограмметрия и 3D сканирование

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [CGWorkshops] Photogrammetry for Games [ENG-RUS]
    2. [The Gnomon Workshop] Environment Art Lookdev Using Unreal & Photogrammetry [Eng-Rus]
    3. [Gumroad] Photogrammetry Basics [ENG-RUS]
    4. [CGcircuit] Photogrammetry Pipeline [ENG-RUS]
    5. [CGcircuit] Photogrammetry Pipeline V2 [ENG-RUS]
    6. [Gnomon] 3D Scan And Retopology For Production [ENG-RUS]
    7. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Assets for Games using Photogrammetry [ENG-RUS]
    8. [The Gnomon Workshop] Environment creation for VR using photogrammetry [ENG-RUS]
    9. [The Gnomon Workshop] Complete Photogrammetry workflow [ENG-RUS]
    10. [The Gnomon Workshop] Creating Digital Doubles With Single-Camera Photogrammetry [ENG-RUS]
    11. [Creative Shrimp] Photogrammetry Course: Photoreal 3d With Blender And Reality Capture [ENG-RUS]
    12. [The Gnomon Workshop] Cleaning up scanned assets for production [ENG-RUS]
    13. [The Gnomon Workshop] 3D Scan Integration Techniques With Adrien Vallecilla [ENG-RUS]

    3D Печать и сканирование. 3D Печать и подготовка модели

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. [Lynda] 3D Printing with ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    2. [Uartsy] 3D Printing for Artists [ENG-RUS]
    3. [Gumroad] 3D Printing & Hard Surface Modeling [ENG-RUS]
    4. [The Gnomon Workshop] Mastering Desktop 3D Printing for the 3D Artist [ENG-RUS]
    5. [Gumroad] Statues/Collectibles and 3D Printing Class [ENG-RUS]
    6. [FlippedNormals] Zbrush to 3D Printing: Bring your 3D Models to Life [ENG-RUS]

    7. [The Gnomon Workshop] Preparing Zbrush Models for 3D printing [ENG-RUS]

    3D Печать и сканирование Книги по 3D Печати и сканированию

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:

    Последнее редактирование: 1/3/24
  11. Antonio

    Antonio Администратор

    Язык №1:
    Последнее редактирование: 1/5/20
  12. Antonio

    Antonio Администратор

    Язык №1:

    Завершённые заказы на перевод:
    1. The Comprehensive PBR Guide. Volume 1: the Theory of Physically Based Rendering
    2. The Comprehensive PBR Guide. Volume 2: Practical Guidelines for PBR Texturing
    3. [Pablander] ZBrush Skin Material & Single Pass BPR [ENG-RUS]
    4. [Manuel Scherer] ZBrush 4 Sculpting for Games Beginner's Guide [ENG-RUS]
    5. [3DTotal] Topology - Creating Clean and Evenly Distributed Topology [ENG-RUS]
    6. UVLayout User Guide [ENG-RUS]
    7. [Pablander] Creating dreadlocks with fibermesh [ENG-RUS]
    8. [3DTotal] 3ds Max character creation [ENG-RUS]
    9. [Pablander] WetClay MTL [ENG-RUS]
    10. [Pablander] A Guide to: Creating Feathers in ZBrush [ENG-RUS]
    11. [Ryan Hawkins] Vertex Volume 1 [ENG-RUS]
    12. [Ryan Hawkins] Vertex Volume 2 [ENG-RUS]
    13. [Ryan Hawkins] Vertex Volume 3 [ENG-RUS]
    14. [Pablander] A Guide To: ZBrush Comic Style Render [ENG-RUS]
    15. [Ciro Sannino] Photography And Rendering With V-Ray [ENG-RUS]
    16. [Joshua Lynch] Creating rocks with Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]
    17. [Joshua Lynch] Creating snow with Substance Designer [ENG-RUS]

    18. [Antony Ward] Game Character Creation Series: Kila [ENG-RUS]

    19. [Lee Wylde] V-Ray My Way [ENG-RUS]
    20. [Pablander] A Guide To: Mastering The UV Master [ENG-RUS]
    21. [Pablander] A Guide To: Getting Started With Sculptris [ENG-RUS]
    22. [Rob Tuytel] Creating 3D environments Old Masters Unveiled [ENG-RUS]
    23. [Gumroad] The Pushing Points Topology Workbook by William Vaughan [ENG-RUS]
    24. [Robert Magee] Houdini Foundations [ENG-RUS]
    25. [Jonathan Cooper] GAME ANIM Video Game Animation Explained [ENG-RUS]
    26. [3DTotal] Designing Droids [ENG-RUS]
    Последнее редактирование: 12/11/19
Статус темы: